Коллекция самых абсурдных слухов о Джоли и Питте: обзор прессы Before all the fans of Hollywood actors were shocked by the news of their parting. All this gave rise to a wave of the most absurd and bizarre speculation on the joint life of a couple. In addition, hundreds of outlets around the world speculate on how events will develop, and social media users to create memes. “StarHit” has collected the curious version of what happened and “continue” the scandalous stories on the pages of various publications.

      Коллекция самых абсурдных слухов о Джоли и Питте: обзор прессы

      The whole world was shocked with the news that Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from her star husband brad pitt. According to the lawyer of the actress, she took this decision for the welfare of the children. The couple are raising six heirs. According to financial experts, this divorce will be the loudest, most expensive in Hollywood history. “StarHit” gathered the crazy ones, the media and fans pair about what is happening in the relationship between brad pitt and Angelina Jolie.

      The reason for the divorce, Jolie and pitt referred to as French actress

      Some tabloids reported that brad pitt did not approve the decision of angelina Jolie to file for divorce. The actor worried about the safety of the children, which will begin the hunt of the paparazzi. “She opened the gate to hell” – quoted edition of the movie star.

      Marion Cotillard is pregnant by brad pitt

      One of the weirdest rumors was the news that the partner of the actor in the movie “Allies” is expecting his child. As he wrote to foreign media reports, Marion and brad were together after he started to work on a painting. “They rehearsed a lot before filming, and deeply worked on their characters as a couple, and together with Director Robert Zemekisa,” said a source close to the actors. Perhaps Angelina Jolie jealous of brad to his French counterpart. By the way, surprising is the fact that the heart supposedly pregnant Cotillard is not free, she is married to actor Guillaume Canet.

      Pitt’s alcoholism ruined their marriage

      Some media said that Angelina Jolie was unhappy that her husband had consumed alcohol, smoked marijuana and could not cope with his aggressive behavior. After the news about the divorce foreign editions from pitt accused in all mortal sins: that he was very rude and could not cope with anger. According to journalists, the woman was afraid that their sons and daughters can suffer from this. Some publications appear with headlines about pitt this behavior is “UN-Islamic”.

      For friends of the actors this was not such a surprising news. “I would say that the statement about their divorce was a shock for us, but it’s not. Throughout the past year they lived separate lives. Brad was busy in different projects and flew from place to place, while Angelina stayed at home and engaged in the education of children. Flying every month they became farther and farther apart,” said a source close to the stars.

      Коллекция самых абсурдных слухов о Джоли и Питте: обзор прессы

      Jolie left pitt because of the fear of death

      According to one of the foreign portals, Angelina started to drink alcohol, she had a relapse of anorexia, she smokes constantly. Likely, the divorce could cause rapid weight loss the stars and her new habits. Jolie is very afraid of death and that is why she decided on surgery to remove the breast and female organs, not to cancer, which was her family. Rumor has it that this is the reason and caused a rupture of the actress with her husband.

      “Life and health were the top priorities for her. Her Outlook on life has changed drastically. Angelina felt in the place of his mother, feared death and ceased to be the “wild thing”, a party girl, ready to do anything for a thrill, risk and fun night. She began to relate to life and to the family more seriously,” – said surrounded by a couple. The Western press attributed to angelina Jolie deadly disease

      Коллекция самых абсурдных слухов о Джоли и Питте: обзор прессы

      Brad pitt is tired of children

      According to some sources, the actor is not too fond of the habit of the wife to bring some travel abroad for the child. The couple has three adopted children: Maddox, Shiwan, pax Thien and Zahara Marley. It is reported that pitt has no plans to pay child support for children that were adopted. Lawyers for the actor confirmed that because the two boys and a girl was adopted before marriage with Angelina, he has all the chances to achieve the cancellation of payments.

      Glad Jennifer aniston divorce Jolie and pitt

      Users of social networks recalled how Jennifer aniston felt when the imposing actor has swapped her sexy colleague on the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”. After all, this film sparked the romance between pitt and Jolie. The media recalled that aniston was once in the same situation. Many social media users speculated that in this case the star of the show “Friends” should rejoice.

      Memes created by fans of Hollywood stars surprised by its originality. “I hope your day was as cool as Jennifer aniston”, “If he cheated with you, he will change you,” “you Want me to throw a party in honor of the divorce?”, – pictures Jennifer aniston, and such labels flooded the social network.

      Jennifer aniston on pitt divorce: “I never wanted this to happen”