Близкий друг принца Гарри раскрыл причины слаживания с женой Меган Маркл своих Королевских полномочий


A close friend of Prince Harry and JJ Chalmers admitted to the public that the reason for the decision to resign from official duties connected with the desire to protect his wife Meghan Markle and son Archie.
Regarding the solution of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s close friend George.John.Chalmers says thus: “To Prince Harry in the first place is the main task – to be a good husband and father!”
The Duke Sussexsexy has made a huge and historic decision to withdraw as a senior member of the Royal family to “protect his family”.
Chalmers, who met 35-year-old Harry when they both served in the army, defended the Royal way out Harry and his wife Meghan Markle during his speech on the British show The One Show on Friday.
Chalmers went on to explain:
“I confidently say that any man wants to protect his wife, and every father wants to protect their children,” says Chalmers.
“He’s a very principled man, and so when he looks at how the media react and how social networks say about someone, he must answer to his son someday when he starts to understand it and be able to look him straight in the eye and say, “I made the right decision,” said Chalmers on The One Show.

Близкий друг принца Гарри раскрыл причины слаживания с женой Меган Маркл своих Королевских полномочий
“And in the end he grew up in the spotlight and knows how it can end, if you do not deal in time,” added Chalmers in connection with the tragic death of his mother Princess Diana in 1997. Diana died in a car accident while trying to escape the paparazzi.
Chalmers is not the only one of my friends Megan and Harry says of his decision.
Earlier this week journalist and author Tom Bradby who is friends with the couple, said the Royal treatment has created “a new war of Vendorov”.
Speaking about the ITV News program immediately after the stunning announcement of the pair on Wednesday, Bradby, who toured South Africa with the Royal couple to create a documentary for ITV “Harry and Megan: African journey”, he added: “It was, in fact, the Declaration of independence”.

Bradby, who also interviewed the couple after their engagement in November 2017 at Kensington Palace, hinted that the pair may have made their decision long before went on tour in such countries of southern Africa: Malawi, Botswana and Angola, in the fall of 2019.
“Documentary that I took of Harry and Megan in Africa last year, the inevitable was only half the story,” he added Bradby news ITV 10:00. “At that time I felt that what I saw on this trip may have been a long, a sad farewell to the Royal life?
“Of course, many will ask why,” he continued. “So many privileges, so much power, so much good has been done. Why leave all this to?

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