Отважный ребенок из Тувы может остаться без матери Against Eleanor Salchak opened a criminal case. According to investigators, was left in danger, little Silano, forced to walk several kilometres in thirty-degree frost. The girl went in a long way to tell neighbors about your grandma and ask for help.

      Отважный ребенок из Тувы может остаться без матери

      In February, in Tuva there was a resonant case. Four-year Sagana Salchak was a few kilometers along the snow-covered taiga to tell a nearby facility that her grandmother died of a heart attack. The girl bravely went outside in 34-degree cold. Journalists reported that Saglan went at the request of an elderly grandfather, who is visually handicapped. According to local residents, the child overcame the distance of four kilometers, while in SK the Russian Federation on Republic Tuva referred to the figure of eight kilometers.

      The story of a young inhabitant of Tuva has caused a storm of emotions among social media users. Salana appeared on the front pages of Newspapers. Correspondents wrote that a little girl – a real heroine, and her case has surprised even the old-timers of the village Kungurtug, accustomed to everything. Recently, however, in this case, there is a new twist that made the public stand up for the family Salchak. Press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tuva reported that mothers Sahlani Eleanor initiated a criminal case under the article about the leaving in danger. A woman suspected of committing a crime.

      “According to investigators, the suspect left four-year-old daughter at his parents, who lived in a remote place… however, she knew that the elderly are deprived of the opportunity to take steps to ensure the safety of the child. 8 February 2017 the baby’s grandmother became ill, in connection with which the child went for help to the nearest town, while she walked 8 kilometers through the taiga. The child was examined by doctors, noted General hypothermia, but life and health threatens nothing”, – is written on the website of the RF IC in the Republic of Tyva.

      If you do not know the realities of life in the distant Republic, it immediately appears a lot of questions, but for locals it’s OK to shop for groceries at the store which is a few miles from home and without access to the Network.

      Most of the inhabitants of Tuva, the journalists, the family Salchak support. So, the head of the district Chechena Dedup says in Tuva created the Agency for family Affairs and children, reporting directly to the head of the Republic. According to him, they know every child who remained without parental care. To Eleanor Salchak, apparently, the claims did not arise. It is not a bad example to follow, as it may seem at a cursory examination of the case. It is argued that Eleanor and her civil husband did not leave Sagano in the lurch. According to others, the girl’s parents left for two days for food to the district center, is located 20 km from the house. The characteristics of the man and the woman have a positive, they say, they have not abused alcoholic drinks, and worked hard.

      Words Udupa confirmed by other people who are witnesses described in mass media events. Moreover, they revealed to reporters some details incorrectly transmitted by some sources. “The way she went, I think, in the 11 hours (and not in the morning, as all written). With candy and cookies, which his grandfather has provided (and not hungry). I saw her about 13. So, it was less than two hours. Between the two encampments about four kilometers. The road along the river thumb: go to each other, the hay carry the sleigh and even the “UAZ”, which is then wound up once the big frost was not. In 13.37 phoned to the wife, there is found Eleanor, mother Sahlani, and on two machines – doctors, chiefs, firefighters immediately to their Parking lot…” says Ayan Naidan, the son of the shepherd from the adjacent Parking lot.

      The locals of Tuva asked investigators not to punish Eleanor Salchak. Herself the suspect is in a state of shock.

      “Help me out. I was brought here illegally, I did not give consent. Two police officers (one with glasses, the other in a blue jacket and blue sports cap) were forced into the helicopter. It is hard for me here. I cry at night. I really miss the kids. I don’t want to be judged by the mother. Help me, help me…” – quote Eleanor correspondents.

      It is known that in the worst case, a woman may be deprived of parental rights. Executive Secretary of the Commission on Affairs of minors and protection of their rights Alas, Dolstra told reporters that the relevant documents have already started to prepare. In turn, the assistant administrator of GSU SK of Tuva Alla Nursat said that at the moment is the clarification of all the circumstances of the incident. “About results to speak early: stable relationships with investigators there. No charges the suspect now is not brought”, – transfers its words “the Russian newspaper”.