46-летняя Мария Миронова вновь станет мамой
Actress Maria Mironov shared with subscribers of the good news.

46-летняя Мария Миронова вновь станет мамой

The famous actress Maria Mironova is 27-year-old son Andrew from his first marriage. Star carefully hides his personal life, so the name of the father of her unborn child remains for fans of mysteries. But anyway, they are very happy for favorite actress and has already bombarded her with congratulations.

46-летняя Мария Миронова вновь станет мамой

46-летняя Мария Миронова вновь станет мамой

“What a great time waiting for new life. Time goes by so slowly as a child. In the beginning, you worry , worry, hurry, I want to live in the future. And then at some point start to feel it, this life, it is already here and now , it is beating, though not yet born. And this moment here and now the most beautiful and the only real” wrote Mironov and showed a photo on which it is already possible to discern a rounded tummy.

46-летняя Мария Миронова вновь станет мамой

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