Жена Константина Хабенского готовится к родам
In the theatre the actress cooked a replacement.

Olga Litvinova, Konstantin Khabensky


Actress Olga Litvinova, who along with her husband Konstantin Khabensky works at the Moscow art theatre. Chekhov, preparing for birth. Replenishment in star family is expected by the summer. However, an interesting provision does not prevent Olga still to go on stage. However, in the light of future maternity leave Litvinova theater is already beginning to prepare Olga for a replacement. So, if Olga was busy in two plays, now it can be seen only in the production of “Event”, and in early April she will even go together with the Mariinsky Opera company on tour in St. Petersburg. And recently, Olga has attended the commemoration of the legendary Actresses of Mat AI savvidou.

Recall that Litvinova is with child, it became known at the premiere of a picture “the election Day—2”. Olga hid her still small tummy under your clothes tailor made. By the way, according to the old family “tradition” spouses don’t like to appear together in public. Here and in the “Moscow” cinema, they first retired from the journalists in the cafe where dined the pizza, and the VIP lounge for viewing the pictures went apart.

For 44-year-old actor is the second child. His first — born- son Ivan was born in September 2007, the first marriage Khabensky. Soon, however, Konstantin’s wife Anastasia died of a serious illness. This tragic circumstance has motivated the actor to the active practice of charity.

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