ВИДЕО: Регина Тодоренко устроила эротические танцы с Сергеем Ростом
The star of the show “heads and Tails” debuted in the theater.

Regina Todorenko

Come true
cherished dream of leading the show “heads and Tails” Regina Todorenko: she became
a theater actress. The energetic debut of Teleputeshestviya was the role
adventuress in the play “Put the wife in the pawn shop”, which was directed by Sergei Rost. The premiere took place in Moscow
The teatrium on serpukhovka.

To view a video recommended device operating system: iOS 7 or Android 4.4 for mobile devices, Windows XP or Mac OS X 10.5 with Safari browser, Chrome or Firefox latest versions for desktop computers. On lower operating system versions, correct performance cannot be guaranteed.

“The proposal
to play the main female role in the play came to me quite suddenly —
told 7days.ru Regina. — They called me and said,
sent a mail script, and asked to see it. My joy knew no
limit to play because theatre was my dream. As a child, I spoke
mom that I should be “adresoj”. That’s how I confused the letters. When I
was 10, played in the children’s musical theatre “Balaganchik” in his native
Odessa. At first, just studied the basics of acting and the
then another, and worked. We toured a lot and went to various festivals,
concerts, competitions. And in thirteen, I earned my first fee,
speaking at a children’s party. When I received the offer to try your
force on the stage, I immediately agreed. Travel became
an integral part of my life, and this part is beautiful. But the theater is new
the coil outlet, a new field of activity in lucid

To view a video recommended device operating system: iOS 7 or Android 4.4 for mobile devices, Windows XP or Mac OS X 10.5 with Safari browser, Chrome or Firefox latest versions for desktop computers. On lower operating system versions, correct performance cannot be guaranteed.