Вдова Дмитрия Марьянова рассказала, как спасала мужа
Ksenia BIK revealed details life with the actor.

Вдова Дмитрия Марьянова рассказала, как спасала мужа

Dmitry Maryanov and Xenia BIK


Before it was nine days after the death of Dmitry Marjanova and now only his close relatives find the strength to comment on the tragedy that has occurred. Ksenia BIC gave his first interview after the death of her husband. Favorite artist, a psychologist by training, struggled to find words to describe the grief that she and her family Maranova now experiencing.

“I sawed in half and buried one piece! Such relations as we have with Dima, there was none. I am a psychotherapist, a PhD, to me go people tell their fate. But these relations I have not met, — assured Ksenia. — They are no more and never will be. These, or any other. Because Dima will not replace anyone! It is the envy of the gods, apparently. We watched a friends and equal. Said: “We want the same.” I have nothing to justify. I saved Dima as he could! Failed…”

Вдова Дмитрия Марьянова рассказала, как спасала мужа

Dmitry Maryanov with his wife Ksenia and their daughter Anfisa


Widow Maranova talked about the fact that the actor wrote her love letters from rehab, where he spent the last nine days of his life. He had very tender feelings for his wife and was, as BICK says, is very grateful for her care. Friends of the actor confirmed that she was very attentive to the spouse. It was she who last year persuaded Dmitry to seek medical help when he got leg. After the examination, the artist was diagnosed with a blood clot. Thromboembolism ultimately became the cause of the sudden departure Maranova of life.

Judging by the letters written by Dimitri from center, he felt guilty in front of Xenia. “I can’t imagine life without you. Saying that you suffered, not to leave, it is not so harmonious sounds in my mouth. And so you just have suffered. If there is still a bit of patience, love, save. I will fill them as the Mariana trench… My favorite beautiful and unique. My love…” — wrote the Maryanov wife.

Xenia, remembering how started health problems Dmitry, says that repeatedly saved favorite. Every morning she heard from him the words of gratitude. “It was not the only time in which I was saved! — quoted BIK kp.ru. We’ve got this morning started with the fact that he kissed my feet and said, “I live because of you…”

The widow of Dmitry Marjanova blames himself for the death of her husband

Meanwhile, in the case of the death of Dmitry open at once two criminal cases. Every day there are more terrible detail of finding Maranova in the center, which operated, according to some, without a license. On the eve of the air show “Let them talk”, it became known that employees of this establishment not only had no medical education, but also in the past received treatment from addiction. How 47-year-old Maryanov, which cared so much family, could be in rehabilitation in this center, still remains a mystery to many.