Принцессе Диане установят памятник в Лондоне

Princes William and Harry to the 20-year anniversary of the death of his mother will set her monument.

Принцессе Диане установят памятник в Лондоне

Princes William (Prince William) and Harry (Prince Harry) will establish a monument to Princess Diana (Princess Diana) by 20-year anniversary of her death. Memorial plan to wouthwest in the Park to Kensington Palace.

“It’s been 20 years since the death of our mother, and now is the time to recognize its impact on the UK and the world. Our mother touched the hearts of people in every corner of the planet, and we hope that the monument will remind visitors to the Palace about her life and legacy,” reads the official message of the princes.

The name of the architect is still unknown, but the Prince has already created a special Commission to collect funds for the installation of the monument.

Princess Diana died on 31 August 1997 in a car crash in Paris. She was 36 years old.