Предотвратив развод, Андрей Аршавин увез жену в путешествие
The player returns to life exemplary family man.

Предотвратив развод, Андрей Аршавин увез жену в путешествие

Andrey Arshavin

Photo: Instagram

Family life of Andrei Arshavin in the Network to examine under a microscope. Quite
recently, he publicly confessed that he cheated on his wife Alice Catimini, and
admitted that is ready to be punished in the form of divorce. However spouse
the footballer made an unexpected announcement: Alice forgave Andrew, and even
praised him for not afraid to talk about adultery
all over the country.

“I appreciate the act of Andrew, I believe that a confession to make
the whole country is strong. I love him and don’t think
treason mistake, promiscuity, permissiveness. They are like children, they need
attention. Maybe in that moment, I haven’t given it,” said
Kazmina, scoring a goal of their own pride.

Some time later, after the recognition of Alice she has published in his
microblog photo taken on Board: it captures Arshavin with
children Catimini. Happy family in full
the stock went on a journey and, apparently, the couple saves on travel. Arshavin
repeatedly shown its generosity towards the children of his wife, despite the fact that
his own he had not seen for quite some time. Andrew has
three children from the former civil wife Yulia Baranovskaya. As you know, football
not communicating with the heirs. Julia managed through the courts
to seek alimony in the amount of 50% of salary

Andrey Arshavin with his wife

Photo: Instagram