Беременная Айза Долматова подает признаки анорексии The expectant mother has an aversion to food. ISA Dolmatova twice for pregnancy lost weight. Spouse star Dmitry takes her to restaurants Bali, trying to feed something tasty.

      Беременная Айза Долматова подает признаки анорексии

      Ex-wife of rapper Guf ISAs Dolmatova, as you know, is happily awaiting the birth of her second child. The star, who moved to live in Bali together with her new husband Dmitry Anokhin and son, Sam, is willing to share with the fans details of his new pregnancy.

      At this time, the ISA reported a strange relationship to food, which haunts her from the very first days of waiting a second baby. The expectant mother feels the condition similar to anorexia. ISA feels a strong aversion to products that have recently liked, and if her body gets the food he needs, he immediately rejects her. “Food is the most difficult subject not only for me but for my whole family, because I absolutely don’t know what I want, but I do know I don’t want! told us about her pregnant quirks ISA Dolmatova. – Sweet is poison for me now! Disgusted even at the thought of once favorite chocolate! Meat is also not desirable, you do not want starchy foods, but sometimes it eats. What do I want? Want sharp! Sharp! And the seafood, but I am scared that it is better not to eat”.

      According to ISA, she’s already twice during pregnancy lost weight that her condition is unacceptable. Dmitry Anokhin’s worried about his beloved wife and tries to feed her, leading the ISA to different restaurants Bali in the hope that it will be able to choose something delicious.

      The star notes that in first pregnancy it is nothing of the kind was experienced. “When I went with Sam, eating for two and recovered for two,” added ISA.

      By the way, she has already talked about the difference in my two pregnancies. And about his attitude to waiting for baby. The first time Aisagalieva felt such overwhelming happiness, as it is now. The second pregnancy, despite some difficulties, gives her much more pleasure than the first. “Then I belly did not show, thought it was so ugly, and now I can’t stop looking at him – admitted on the days of the expectant mother. – Constantly communicate with the baby, caress him and wait for his attacks. Conscious motherhood is quite another. I used to think that pregnancy is so hard and so ugly, even though the first trimester, of course, is full of horror. But even more beautiful, loved and cherished I never felt never.

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