Ольга Орлова резко ответила подписчице, обвинившей ее в забвении Жанны Фриске
Famous TV presenter and singer Olga Orlova is an active user of the Network, she often shares with followers the news from his personal life.

Ольга Орлова резко ответила подписчице, обвинившей ее в забвении Жанны Фриске

But the other day one of podeschi pounced on the star, accusing her forgotten best friend Zhanna Friske.

Ольга Орлова резко ответила подписчице, обвинившей ее в забвении Жанны Фриске

“You, Olga, do not do anything to make people not forget about Jeanne. Some of the words! More talk about dogs than about the person you called a friend, For what was it all for you personally? Probably, the answer is clear. Well. I wish you luck in your newfound fame, thanks to Jeanne. It is not friendship! It is a real hypocrisy on your part. I would you could respect, if you, Olga did something in memory of Jeanne. One song was not enough,” wrote a fan.

Ольга Орлова резко ответила подписчице, обвинившей ее в забвении Жанны Фриске

Olga protested against such charges and in a rather rigid form said his podyschite.

“You do what? Why did you decide that the right to judge my friendship and respect for Jeanne? – wrote Orlov. If Joan forgot you, it doesn’t mean that I forgot! In the mud I’m not involved.”

Many fans of the star decided to support it and advised not to pay attention to the negative statements in his address.

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