Юлия Салибекова призналась, из-за чего развелась ее сестра
In September last year, fans of the home electroni countries worried about ex-contestant Ekaterina Kolisnichenko, after learning of her separation from the elect by Nikita kapelus.

Юлия Салибекова призналась, из-за чего развелась ее сестра

The cause of the break she also said that they have had problems in intimate life. Katya’s sister Yulia Alibekova told that this is not the only reason. Former husband put severe restrictions Katya and behaved unworthily of yourself with a wife.

Юлия Салибекова призналась, из-за чего развелась ее сестра

“There were a lot of unpleasant moments. He did mostly himself. My sister was not allowed to do plastic surgery. Perhaps that is why after the divorce, she ran quickly and did what they wanted. Now, look at all the beauty: I went to the gym pumped up tummy, did buttocks – all neat and sexy. Kate recently went to relax, now engaged, going to salons. I don’t know if he even still loves her.

He then said about Tigran lot of nasty things. While we he did not do anything wrong. He even on our family holidays so badly behaved! Could come without a gift boys, rude to leave the festivities or not come at him at all. Of course, we stopped to chat. Then, after a while, Kate said that I didn’t agree with him, but didn’t want to fight”, – Yulia shared with reporters.

That Nikita was the cause of the quarrel sisters, she decided to support her husband, but now the relationship of the sisters is normal.

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