Стало известно, на что «тянет» беременную герцогиню Кэтрин
The wife of Prince William is already playing tennis.

Kate Middleton


in normal times, the Duchess of Cambridge tries to stick to an exceptionally healthy
power, when the wife of Prince William bears her children, she allows
yourself to relax a little. As told by the friend Catherine, the Duchess uncontrollably
pull on the chocolate. And the Duchess indulged in this whim. Moreover, in the course
are not only her favorite brand of chocolate, but also considered the children’s
treat bars with filling.

wife of William easy to understand. After all, she’s already carrying her third child and in
the third time her pregnancy is a complication. As previously reported, Catherine
suffering from pathological toxicity — “hypermesis gravidarum” in which she
can become bad to 30 times a day. And this time everything went according even
tougher scenario than the first two. As a result, already in the second month doctors
the Duchess ordered strict bed rest, which she had to cancel their participation in all planned activities. Allegedly, Catherine
order sad. But chocolate, as we know, contributes to the development
serotonin helping to lift your mood…

now her condition, as told recently Prince William, gradually
is improved, so the Duchess began
to appear in public. So, the other day, Catherine visited with her husband
The national Tennis Association, the honorary chief which it is. The
day there were competing young athletes. The Duchess gladly watched
for their game, and later even dared herself to go to court. Catherine, dressed
in the black-and-white tracksuit, played a little bit with young players, from
what they came in perfect delight.