«Игорь не понял, что произошло»: воспоминания журналиста о гибели Талькова Friday marked 26 years since the murder of 34-year-old musician. The life of Igor Talkova came to an abrupt end on 6 October 1991 in Saint-Petersburg in sports Palace “Jubilee”. Journalist Mikhail Sadchikov, who has witnessed that fateful day, told how a dying artist.
«Игорь не понял, что произошло»: воспоминания журналиста о гибели Талькова

October 6, celebrating the day in memory of the singer and composer Igor Talkov. He was killed backstage at St. Petersburg DS “Anniversary” during the precast concert. This event shocked the music lovers and went long on the lips, because the investigation is stalled and the presence of masses of witnesses are unable to give a clear answer about the murder and the motives of the crime. On that day, the journalist and music critic Mikhail Sadchikov was backstage at “Jubilee” and was an involuntary witness of one of the biggest tragedies in the Russian show-business.

“It was a typical day of the St. Petersburg early autumn, when I’m on assignment for the newspaper “Smena” (at that time one of the most popular) went to the concert in “Jubilee.” As such, the headliner at that concert probably was not, – he said. – But the most popular among participants believed Oleg Gazmanov, has just issued his famous hits “the sailor” and “captain”. Among the stars was also Igor Nikolaev, who represented Peter young singer Natasha Queen, Zhenya Belousov appeared at the last moment Aziz and Igor talc…

Talc was impulsive, smart and talkative

Several times I crossed paths with Talc. We were introduced to singer Lyudmila Senchina, where he worked as musical Director of the group. Igor was friendly, talkative, very emotional young man could wind up with a half-turn. One day he asked senchinoj for a few days fashionable at the time audio, in the evening caught the owner and talked with him. Igor something is not like in the driver, and he immediately offered to come out and try to look like a man – opened the door and went out. A cunning driver who was in the car and gave the gas and drove away in an unknown direction with a bag of talc, where he was expensive in those days the device.

Communicating with Talc, I was shocked at how he has a clear mind, a clear and delivered a speech. It seemed that if he was going to come to the podium, you will be able to win over masses of people. He’d dealt in everything from music and politics to Economics and philosophy. If there is one myth associated with Igor that I can’t confirm.

In 1991, the talc was not a star on a national scale, as it is now said, he was a rising star. Unlike Choi, who during his lifetime has caught the hysteria himself and his music, this talc has not experienced. To confirm his words tell a funny incident that happened on October 6 when I went to the “Jubilee” and went to the service entrance, the fans of autographs came up to me and asked to sign. And then from the crowd someone said, “wow, journalist take an autograph, but just got talc on it and no one was attacked”.

Looking at the schedule of the concert, I went into the hall to see a performance of Igor Nikolaev and his new ward. Meanwhile, behind the scenes of the unfolding dramatic events.

«Игорь не понял, что произошло»: воспоминания журналиста о гибели Талькова

Aziz and fight with Malakhov

Even before the name Aziza was not among program participants. However, TV editor Galina Skoblova, looking into the “Jubilee” for the tournament fighters, found among the guests a young and talented singer. She immediately offered Aziza and her then-Director Igor Malakhov to stay in St. Petersburg to participate in a new show.

Arriving at the concert in the jubilee, Malakhov did not agree with the proposed schedule of performances and demanded that Aziz came on stage after Talkov – another fact proving real popular then stars. Hardly a concert Malakhov asked to the actress spoke after Tsoi. TV crew invited the Director to negotiate with the administration of talc and went to the dressing room of the singer, where many were surprised by his visit and, quite simply, sent the visitor away.

Yesterday kickboxer not used to such treatment and tried to explain that he is not only a pop promoter, he is a representative of some shadow structures. Talc suggested to understand – as a result, in the foyer of the same ensued a strong male fight. At some point it appeared the weapon passed from hand to hand. At first, all thought it was a gas gun, but then all of a sudden shots rang out. All were taken aback and began to disperse.

Even after the shot, Igor went on stage

Malakhov with a bloody head went to the door to the stage – in this moment I met him in a long corridor. Swaying stranger seemed strange to me drunk, and I carefully avoided it, stepped behind the scenes and saw that a large mirror is a man, and bent over him several artists. Coming closer, I realized that it was Igor Talkov – he was in a thin black tank top the tank top, which, if drawn, could be seen the red spot.

As then it became known, one shot with amazing accuracy, hit him in the heart. Igor didn’t understand what happened. Talc was going to get up on stage and took a few steps in this direction, but the strength left him. The face of the fallen Igor was not contorted grimace – he was calm and dignified.

The presenter of the concert, the famous showman Sergey Kalvarskiy, announced to the public that behind the scenes there was some kind of emergency, and stopped the show. As he wrote later, an ambulance arrived very late, but I didn’t notice it – it took a maximum of ten minutes. Remember, Igor was put on a stretcher and taken away – we all had a feeling that he’s just wounded and it will be OK. A second bullet immediately found among metal-covered boxes for equipment. As told to me then the son of Igor, Talkov Jr., was the third bullet, but we did not find it.

«Игорь не понял, что произошло»: воспоминания журналиста о гибели Талькова

What happened after the death of Talkova

We directed Alexander by Revising immediately went to the St. Petersburg Department of the Leningrad TASS and conveyed the tragic news. The Banquet is scheduled on one of the floating vessels immediately turned into a Wake. Musicians-participants of the concert, behave differently – someone chose to fade away from all of this, someone looked decent. As always wise in his speeches and toasts was Igor Nikolaev, suddenly did not panic and showed himself courageously Zhenya Belousov. In General the mood was worse than ever, nobody could believe what happened.

A few years later I met the grown son Talkov – he seemed like a very interesting and unusual musician, who was keenly interested in all the details of the life and the death of his father. It seemed that Igor will be able to adequately replace it, but it’s not his fault that times on the stage changed, and the type of the singer-citizen was not so popular with the public, which switched to more “easy” music. To honor Talkov Jr. to say that he has not changed himself – still bends the line, holds concerts, festivals memory, and a year ago was headlining a big concert-memory in the same “Anniversary”, where he killed his father.”

«Игорь не понял, что произошло»: воспоминания журналиста о гибели Талькова