Глеб Матвейчук: «Я уходил от Макеевой по два раза в месяц»
The singer gave a shocking interview about the breakup with his wife.

Глеб Матвейчук: «Я уходил от Макеевой по два раза в месяц»

Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Gleb Matveychuk did not want to publicly discuss this topic, but was forced — because of ex-wife, Anastasia Makeeva.

“I asked Anastasia
only one thing — don’t touch my mother! — said Gleb. — It is an old man, suffered
many surgeries, she was in poor health. While the mother is constantly
faced with baseless accusations… my Mother was a good person. Nastya she liked. If the first time she was worried the attacks
Makeeva in the press, now she is very regret former daughter-in-law… I also
I sincerely wish Nastia finding love in the hope that when it happens, it
will switch their attention to a new object…
All of her relationships end one
scenario — a long explanations in the press. I regret that we were unable to part on good and I have now completely
no desire to chat with Nastya. And how can you talk with a person
who calls your mother a witch?”

It is parents, not his wife, supported him in this difficult time.

“They helped me not to break in the most difficult period of life.
When I was literally hunted down in the Theater Mossovet and
many colleagues I worked with, turned against me. I filed a lawsuit, demanding 5 million roubles. But the judge ruled in my favor. After the trial, naturally, I quit. But Anastasia, who all this time
was aloof from the conflict, decided not to leave the theater… My wife was in a wonderful relationship with
those who tried to ruin my life.”

Hleb admitted he did not expect that a relationship that started like a fairy tale, will result in such horror. “Makeeva creates a conflict situation in a vacuum, maybe, and not hoping for such an outcome… Life turned into a series
scandals. Quarrel of every detail… In the last year we have
the house always was a Packed suitcase with which I left every two
of the week”.

Now Hleb is happy in a relationship with actress Elena Glazkova, they have a baby on the way. Interestingly, the parents of his girls are very afraid of meeting with the mother of Matveychuk. “Lena’s mom was in shock when I found out about the chosen one’s daughter. After reading a lot of “good” words about my mother, she was afraid of meeting her. But after meeting calmed down.”

Full interview with Gleb Matveychuk read here.

Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva

Photo: Philip Goncharov