Гарик Мартиросян растит детей полиглотами
In the education of their children, the entertainer and broadcaster pays special attention to the languages.

Garik Martirosyan wife Jeanne

Photo: Philip Goncharov

In the education of their children Garik Martirosyan pays special attention to the languages. “Daniel and Jasmine must know Russian, English and Armenian — is sacred, — said the showman. Sometimes we can ask something in Russian, and the answer to both in Armenian and in English. And yet children have a kind of practice, when they leave in the summer for a month to the grandparents in Yerevan. That’s how we live”.

By the way, last week, fans Garik Martirosyan
were waiting for: is the all-star collection expected completion?
Such suspicion arose after the wife of the TV presenter appeared
at a social event in a dress with an Empire waist.

“Some “pregnant” dress… Congratulations are in order?”she wrote to her followers.

Jeanne does not give, Garik is also silent. But still the couple
not to mention the fact that they are going to have a third child.