Близкие актера «Интернов» Казимира Лиске открыли обстоятельства его смерти The young man died Monday after falling from the fifth floor. The familiar Casimir liske can’t believe that he suddenly passed away. Director Ivan Vyrypaev and the wife of the artist Polina Grishina drew up a letter, which clarified the speculation of the public about the incident.
Близкие актера «Интернов» Казимира Лиске открыли обстоятельства его смерти

Yesterday, the Russian and American actor Kazimir Liske, who starred in the TV series “Interns” and were involved in performances of the theater “Practice”, tragically died. The young man fell from the window of his apartment located on the fifth floor.

Star “Interns” Kazimir Liske crashed after falling from the window

The news of the sudden death of actor shocked his entourage. The young man seemed very happy and cheerful. It is not like a man who plans to commit suicide.

Artistic Director of theatre Practice and Director Ivan Vyrypaev, I asked my colleagues to distribute his letter, which opens up new, previously unknown details about the artist. Direct assistance in the drafting of the message had a wife of Casimir liske Polina Grishina.

“This is a tragic “accident”. Kez experienced serious mental instability. It can be called a disease. What happened to him, not “suicide” and not drugs. Medical tests found the blood of Kez no sign of something serious. Kez came home in the morning, talked with Pauline. No one saw in him any signs of panic or mental instability. Nevertheless, around four in the morning he “fell out of the window”. No reason to do it. And we all are sure that he did not want to do this, just disease and mental state, which he suppressed and concealed, even from their loved ones, pushed his body into the sky,” shared rhythm.
Близкие актера «Интернов» Казимира Лиске открыли обстоятельства его смерти

The Director also appealed to the deceased actor and thanked him for the years spent together with loved ones. Despite the fact that Kazimir Liske was born in America, he easily managed to find a contact with the Russian people. The artist fell in love with a colleague Polina Grishin and legalized relationship with her. The young woman gave her husband a charming son, Oliver.

“You came in our country like an alien from another planet. You taught us patience, you taught us how to perceive the world from a different perspective, you sang, you brought up our students, you played for us on stage, you made our happy Russian woman, you gave birth to a son” – the words contained in the message Vyrypaev for the deceased actor.
Близкие актера «Интернов» Казимира Лиске открыли обстоятельства его смерти

At the end of the treatment the artist has shared a poem from the end of his new play. Kazimir Liske was involved in its translation from Russian into English. Lines, published by Vyrypaev, was written a day before the death of the actor. Below a fragment from the works of Director:

You’re flying in the dark.
You fall down.
You see the fire.
You see the world burn.
And now he’s burning for you.
Wait, look at the fire, cry and love.

My condolences to the relatives of the deceased actor also expressed writer and journalist Michael Idov. Monday, April 24, on the TV showed the first series of a multiseries film “the Optimists”, the script for which was written by a man. Michael has dedicated the premiere of the memory of Casimir, who played in the new series.

“We met on set and instantly found a common language; Lily, Lena, and I was making his character an important role in the second season. This is terrible news,” shared Ides in social networks.

Friend Casimir liske, Varvara Turova said that at the moment solved the bureaucratic issues related to the arrival in Russia of the parents of the actor. Date of funeral of the actor will be defined as soon as they get a visa.