Дмитрий Шепелев обвинил семью Жанны Фриске в погоне за славой In the Network appeared an excerpt from the book the host, which will be available in late November. According to Dmitry, the story of Zhanna Friske, which caused a wave of love and compassion, was an amazing example of the fight against dangerous disease. However, relatives of the singer, writes Shepelev, was even glad that the health of their daughter was subjected to broad public discussion.

      On 24 November in bookstores will appear to work Dmitry Shepelev on the history of the struggle of Zhanna Friske with cancer. It is a leading openly talked about what he had to endure with his beloved. Recently, the Network appeared the fragment of the labour Shepeleva.

      Dmitry still can’t forget how the whole country was praying for the health of Zhanna Friske. He was genuinely touched by the words of support, which he expressed by strangers. The giant national wave of love and compassion shocked Shepelev and his wife, gave them the strength to fight on and rise up above the circumstances. “They love you. And I want you to get better. Please do not fail them,” said Shepelev wife when he collected money for her treatment. The artist did not believe: will strangers help her financially?

      “From somewhere in the depths of Russia, forwarded to me a photo: a small country Church, white with blue domes, in front of a banner “Pray for Jeanne”. Since then, whenever think back to the events of those January days, I remember that call. People were praying for Jeanne. Our request turned into a giant wave of love and support. Unprecedented… Jeanne supported passionately! Sincerely and from the heart. It was like magic. Unimaginable. Thank you!” writes Shepelev.

      However, writes Shepelev, the family of Jeanne would like got its second wind after all that has happened. In his opinion, native Friske was in awe of the fact that everyone began to pay attention to them. “They thought it’s great that Joan once again discussing. And no matter what the subject matter her health, no matter what on every page a lie. It is important that Zhanna Friske again in the spotlight. Neither then nor now I was not clear of their habit to drag home a heap of toilet paper full of gossip and speculation. However, this was and is their life,” writes the host.

      However, despite this, Dimitri is also confident that Jeanne managed to make a real feat. According to Shepeleva, disease stars forced the public to raise the subject, which had not been discussed. The history Others have helped many people to fight with his illness and hope for the best.

      “Jeanne has led people to talk about the disease, which in Russia, speaking in General, not accepted. This personal tragedy, when suddenly a beautiful, successful, sexy woman transformed from a pop icon in the patient of the person whom you admire, in person, which I regret — even briefly, even in part, but withdrew with a terrible taboo topics of cancer, turning it from a disease, curse, heavy, but still just a disease. The story of Jeanne, causing a huge wave of love and compassion for her, also helped many others in their struggle,” said the presenter.

      What was happening in his life now seems Shepelevo parallel reality. But he can’t forget anything. “This story might seem exciting even if it was not so bitter”, – quotes Shepeleva magazine Grazia.