Анфиса Чехова развелась с мужем The husband of TV presenter left her apartment. According to a friend Chekhova, Catherine Gordon, they annulled the marriage without scandals. Ex-beloved and I agreed that the son of Solomon, everyone can see when you want.
Анфиса Чехова развелась с мужем

The TV presenter and her husband, actor Guram bablishvili, many months tried to save the marriage. Even in social networks both behaved as if in their family there is complete harmony and understanding. But the divorce was inevitable – Anfisa and Guram decided to go our separate ways. For legal help 39-year-old Chekhov turned into a law office, “Gordon and sons”.

Son Anfisa Chekhova: “Mom is a ballerina”

“Anfisa and Guram officially divorced – says “StarHit” its founder Catherine Gordon. – The spouses do not wash dirty linen in public, because they needed time to negotiate with each other. So the divorce they came calm, signed all the necessary papers and dispersed peacefully. Bablishvili without question left his ex-wife, all marital property – an apartment and a car. Son of Solomon everyone can see whenever I want. Anfisa happy to let Solika travel with dad. This summer, the two of them, for example, about a month vacationing in Georgia. Guram, by the way, plans to return there to live, but, of course, an heir to forget in any case will not be!”
Анфиса Чехова развелась с мужем

Unlike the husband, the father Chekhova turned out not to be so noble. Now the presenter ahead of the trial with a blood relative.

“Now I take it, continues Gordon. All of a sudden Alexander decided to fight for small apartment, which left my daughter and wife. He left the family when Naomi was very young, the relationship between them is still difficult. Dad constantly in conversations with journalists allows himself ugly statements about her, accused of immorality. Although Chekhov have long departed from the image of the troublemakers, was a caring mother… She can handle it! Anfisa looks gorgeous, she has a favorite work, son. What else is needed for happiness?”