Александра Стриженова считает дни до призыва любимого в армию Young lady enjoying a day with her boyfriend. Daughter of Catherine and Alexander Strizhenovy meets with a young man for a long period of time. Soon he will go to serve in the army.

      Александра Стриженова считает дни до призыва любимого в армию

      The youngest daughter of Catherine and Alexander Strizhenova, do not hesitate, demonstrates his first young love. 15-year-old Alexander is Dating 17-year-old Anton Churikova, who is studying in the same school. Next to her boyfriend she literally blossomed. She looks adorable and happy.

      May holidays Sasha and Anton were held in Moscow. They walked through the streets of the capital, was sitting in a cozy cafe, met friends and enjoyed each other’s company. Strizhenova has published in Instagram photo with her on the background of red square.

      “All congratulations to the beginning of the present warm and Sunny spring! Plenty of walking and good mood” – shared positive emotions of Alexander. Friends supported the girl and in the comments wrote nice words in her address.

      Александра Стриженова считает дни до призыва любимого в армию

      Meanwhile, the beloved long left to experience the serene happiness. Soon their relationship will have to pass the test of time and distance. In April, the boyfriend Strizhenovoj wrote in social networks about the fact that he was drafted into the army. Apparently, the young man seriously intends to perform his duty to the Fatherland. “How do you feel about long-distance relationships?” – Churikova asked a question at a certain service Ask.fm. “Soon find out”, he answered and published a photo of the documents collected for the recruiting office.

      Recall that 17-year-old Anton, the daughter of film Director and TV presenter drove a school where they learn together. According to friends of the pair, between the first and Strizhenovoj Curiculum struck up friendships only, but soon their feelings have grown into first love.

      The guys try to safely treat gossip in your address. “Just funny to read all this negativity. And us “little” to not care about the opinions of others, because our relationship does not concern them. We are happy, and this is important,” wrote in microblogging Strizhenova.

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