Прядь волос Дэвида Боуи будет продана на аукционе

As often happens, after the death of the idol fans aktiviziruyutsya and with a manic obsession with buying everything that is connected with their object of adoration.

Offered for sale various kinds of paraphernalia, such as records, CDs, posters, badges with the image of the hero, and even his personal belongings, for which at the auctions put a huge amount of.

In the near future to purchase something from a star will get the fans of David Bowie.

And it is not just, for example, a mug with which a musician the last time you drank coffee, this is a lock from his head.

A strand of hair will be auctioned, which will be held in California on June 25.

According to preliminary estimates the lock of hair Bowie can cost up to four thousand dollars.

The organizers of the auction lot came from a former employee of Madame Tussauds. In the 1980-ies she cut off a lock of hair of the musician to create a wig of the wax copy Bowie, and then keep a lock as a souvenir.


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