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Actress Julia Snigir accepts congratulations. In one of capital clinics artist, long hidden their pregnancies and not commenting on this subject, brought forth the firstborn.

The name of the father of the child is still unknown, as the sex of the baby. In a stellar coterie believe that gave birth to Julia from Eugene Tsyganov, his colleague, who at the end of last year came in the midst of a scandal – the actor left his wife pregnant, Yes not one, but six children. The youngest child he didn’t even come to pick up from the hospital.
Edition “StarHit” received indirect confirmation that the child’s father Snigir is Eugene – this was confirmed by relatives of the actress.
“My grandfather, Viktor Ivanovich, all of its review work, our stars! And waiting for great-grandchildren: Julia said that soon will become a mother – so excited! However, the groom is not familiar with, talks about it. Know that actor. But I’m not asking much, all the time…” — said the grandmother Yulia Ludmila Sirisena. But if her father knew about Tsyganov, was not delighted with the novel daughter of the artist.
“I don’t want to know any Tsyganova.. Her life, her decide what to do and how to live!” — answered the journalists ‘ question “StarHit” father bullfinch.
Anyway, we congratulate Yulia with my firstborn!

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