Молодая жена Валерия Тодоровского не может родить ребенка Evgenia Brik frankly told why in 12 years of marriage with famous Director they have only she is the daughter of Zoe. The girl was born in 2009, and has long lived in the United States. According to the actress, because of the tight schedule she wasn’t ready to become a mother again.
Молодая жена Валерия Тодоровского не может родить ребенка

Valery Todorovsky is older than the second wife, the actress Evgenia Brik for 16 years. The couple has a daughter Zoe, a girl born in 2009. For several years, she lives in the USA. Recall, the famous Director from his first marriage have adult children, Peter and Catherine. Son has managed to present the famous father of the two grandchildren.

Eugene told what grows the successor of the famous Director. Also, the actress decided to explain why so far refused to give birth to Valeria another child.

“Something a daughter like me, something to Valera, but it has its web. There’s the fact that she lives in two countries, and she their some vision. Life on the other side of the ocean another. For example, in America people do to each other not cry and mothers comments children do not. We are the same as used in Russia? “Sit up, hold a spoon…” And there it is not accepted. Baby is the best and does everything brilliantly. It’s amazing to me… Sometimes not even clear, how to do, well, when this boy already settle down? But no one is going to pull up. And here I also try to educate tolerance”, – said Eugene.

Brick said that her daughter from an early age active in films and the fees gave my mom. According to Eugenia, age 16 Zoe will be able to buy a car, although the girl is not showing off successes in the movies.

“I wonder, “Zoe, well, that’s your job, which you did, there is nothing to hide or be ashamed of”. But it’s good that her no special attention. She’s just a child, a student. It is more concerned with how she will pass the exam on the music and how you dance at a concert,” – said Brick.

The wife of the Director said that he would like to have another child, but not yet solved. Work and new projects take too much time and effort, although the name of the future heir Todorovski and Brick have come up with.

“The time has not come yet, and now I’m doing a project which simply could not refuse. Especially pregnant women have a bad temper, to work with them hard. Although to me, it seems to me, no problems there, I can easily tolerate pregnancy. In General, all remains still, the plans remain plans. There is still time by American standards,” said Eugene.

However, Eugene admitted that still have a second child need in a short time. According to the actress, the age difference between the children should be no more than 11 years. “So too tighten this is not necessary….”, – said the actress in an interview with “7 days”.