Жена Александра Овечкина отреагировала на сообщения о беременности Journalists reported that the wife of the player of the team “Washington capitals” is in an interesting position. Correspondents refer to a source close to the family of Alexander Ovechkin. Fans of the athlete began to congratulate Anastasia Subsky in social networks. The girl hastened to reply to the comments of Internet users.

      Today in mass media there was information that the 23-year-old wife of hockey player Alexander Ovechkin Anastasia Sumska plans to become a mother for the first time. Journalists argue that the girl is a short period, so not in a hurry to advertise his position. Pleasant news correspondent reported a source close to Ovechkin. The man himself has not commented on the data release.

      “StarHit” contacted the mother of the player the Washington capitals, to celebrate the new addition to the family. Tatiana Ovechkin did not refute the information that might be a grandmother, but not confirmed it. Apparently, the woman was tired from the increased attention to close people. She made it clear that it does not intend to comment on media reports. “Leave our family alone,” said Tatiana.

      Social media users have already begun to congratulate Anastasia Subsky with the future baby. “Nastya, are you really pregnant?”, “Was very happy when he learned the good news,” “Let the child be as beautiful as you,” was discussed by the fans of the star couple. Seeing these comments, Anastasia hastened to clarify speculation from the public. The girl did not verify the data that it is in an interesting position. His statement of beauty accompanied by a puzzled smiley.

      We will remind that Alexander Ovechkin has made an offer to his favorite woman in September 2015. The hockey player has shared a significant event in social networks. “She said, “Yes,” said the sportsman to his fans.

      Later Anastasia Subsky told reporters, as happened engagement. According to the girl, Alexander came to her house with a bouquet of flowers. When Subsky opened the door, Ovechkin took a knee and propose to be his wife. Without thinking, Anastasia said Yes. That evening the lovers went to a trendy Metropolitan restaurant to celebrate the upcoming change of marital status in a narrow circle of relatives and friends.

      Last year Ovechkin and Subsky registered their relationships in one of capital registry offices. The triumph on this occasion, the couple decided to postpone. According to journalists, Anastasia and Alexander are going to throw a big holiday in the summer. The details of the ceremony are still unknown. Alexander Ovechkin will be invited to the wedding of a special person