Why Dmitry Nagiyev was removed from the Voice project and who came to replace him that Dmitry Nagiyev will no longer be on Golos has been going on for a long time.

Why Dmitry Nagiyev was removed from the project And the day before, the chief producer of musical and entertainment broadcasting of Channel One, Yuri Aksyuta, confirmed rumors that Dmitry Nagiyev would no longer be on the show “Voice”.

Why Dmitry Nagiyev was removed from the Voice project and who came to replace him

And although Dmitry Nagiyev somehow did not particularly show himself in statements on the special operation, for some reason in the spring they started talking about the fact that he was also under special control and his candidacy for the role of leading popular project was not approved.

< img class="aligncenter" src="/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/6207a36404aa91cebf1d9fb7ed446e3b.jpg" alt="Why Dmitry Nagiyev was removed from the Voice project and who came to replace him" />

Well, Yuri Aksyuta presented this news as a long-standing agreement with Nagiyev that after 10 years of the project he would take a break.
“A few seasons ago, Dmitry Nagiyev and I decided that after ten years he would take a creative break. The last “Voice” just became an anniversary, which means it's time for a change. The new season, according to tradition, opens the competition for performers of the older generation and we offered to host it to one of the brightest stars, the incomparable and charismatic Larisa Guzeeva,” Aksyuta said.
Here you can immediately recall the warm relations that connected Nagiyev and Guzeeva in their youth and that they will remain friendly even now. So, without the patronage of the former lover, the matter certainly could not have done here.

Well, Larisa Guzeeva herself, of course, experiences a certain excitement, since it will be extremely difficult to surpass Nagiyev. She honestly states that it is always very difficult to enter promoted projects.

“Even if you jump above your head, you will still be compared, and you will be annoying. I don't know of a single popular project where a new host came along and the people were screaming, “Hallelujah! We were waiting for you!” That doesn't happen. Everything develops, everything is organic, everyone gets used to it, and then suddenly Larisa comes out … Therefore, of course, I am ready for stones in my address, ready for criticism and I understand that it will be. This is inevitable, ”Guzeeva complained in an interview with reporters.

And, if you don't already know, Elena Vaenga, Igor Kornelyuk, Alexander Malinin and Valery Syutkin will become mentors on the Voice 60+ show.

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