Что стало с солистами группы «На-На»: разводы, болезни и громкие романы The group has existed for almost 30 years. During this time, many times to change the composition of the group “on-On”: someone decided to link their lives with the teaching of music, someone just tired of the world of show business. “StarHit” remembered the brightest team members.
Что стало с солистами группы «На-На»: разводы, болезни и громкие романы

While in 1989 the whole country watched on TV the series “Slave Izaura”, the brilliant Bari Alibasov has created one of the most successful projects of the Russian show business group “na-na”. In the 90s, they gave more than 900 concerts a year, which is about four or five speeches a day. The fans were on duty near the houses, hotels, and were glad for even a glimpse of the musicians.

“I myself am a witness as to Volodya Natalia Politov – there was a queue of fifty girls. Which was on duty around the clock. He came out, pointed, and said, “you, you and You” and they followed him” – said Alibasov.

In this group there was always a prohibition – none of the soloists could not advertise personal life, for fans they should always be unmarried and desirable. And any sexually transmitted disease was considered a work-related injury and are paid additionally.

In the early 90-ies formed the “Gold membership” of the group: Vladimir Levkin, Vladimir Asimov, Vladimir Politov, and Vyacheslav Zherebkin, the last two still are part of the “on-On”. How did the lives of ex-soloists of the legendary boyzbenda?

Vladimir Asimov

Что стало с солистами группы «На-На»: разводы, болезни и громкие романы

Came: 1991

Left the band: 2003

Age: 50 years

Before the advent of “on-On” Asimov fried chicken in the cafe at the Kursk station of Moscow. Knowing that Alibasov has announced a set of “na-na” singer went to the audition. It took, however, was not originally in the main and reserve team, which was engaged in the Chas. But after about six months, Bari Karimovich suggested Asimov become the fourth member of the group.

Since 1998 Vladimir engaged in a solo career, released three albums. About leaving “-” the singer announced in March of 2003. After that he confessed that for a long time led a double life.

“On stage, I was a Casanova and a don Juan, and then hurried to his beloved family, – shared the artist in an interview – I even had two apartments – the first in the same building with office, Bari, decorated in ultra-modern bachelor style, and in the second lived the wife and the son of Simon”.

Along with Asimov’s family moved to Spain, Alicante.

“I was at his home. Them with Tanya a beautiful house on the Costa Brava, said “StarHit” producer Bari Alibasov in September last year. – Doing business…”

Vladimir did not give up the work, and recorded songs in Russian and Spanish, was produced by shooting videos. But the priority is always his son, his upbringing, education and career. This year Simon was twenty-two years. He is seriously engaged in sports, managed to play to Shine in one of the videos father. Studied in two countries at the Russian University to be a lawyer and Spanish Universitat d’alacant.

A few years ago, Vladimir Asimov had a serious operation. For a long time, the singer complained of pain in the neck, after a series of tests, the doctors diagnosed a hernia of the cervical spine. Needed surgery, but doctors could not give assurances that everything will be perfect, most of all they worried that because of possible complications Vladimir no longer have a voice. Neurosurgeon clinic Hospital Clinica Benidorm worked with Azimovym four hours. Despite all the difficulties, the operation was successful. After several months of REABILITACII Vladimir returned to normal life.

With former bandmates Asimov communicates rarely.

“No, I do not feel nostalgia for the “on-On”, – admitted the singer in an interview – When he left, I thought that we will maintain a relationship after 12 years together they lived and worked. But time is prioritized differently. “Nanai” own life, I have mine. Well, congratulate each other happy New year and happy birthday.”

Vladimir Levkin

Что стало с солистами группы «На-На»: разводы, болезни и громкие романы

Came: 1989

Left the band: 1998

Age: 50 years

Alibasov has placed a newspaper ad for the group to audition, attended by hundreds of people. Including Leonid Agutin, in recognition of Bari Karimovich, he didn’t because he was already an established musician. The only person out of the crowd chose the producer was Vladimir Levkin. The singer left the band in 1998 when the contract expired with the production center Alibasov. According to the Bari Karimovich, leaving Levkin received the gift of the car Mercedes and an apartment in the center of Moscow on the old Arbat.

By the time Levkin finished a correspondence course in GITIS, began a solo career – recorded an album “Steps to themselves”, continues to write poetry, in the late 90’s, a TV presenter… All went well. Levkin but soon found out he had cancer, his girlfriend left… the Treatment lasted one year, as later admitted the contractor.

“Friends were seriously preparing an album of memory, saying that I’m not a resident, recalled Levkin in an interview. But I wasn’t going to leave! Internally kept telling myself, “No wait!”. Joined the body’s defenses to live against all odds, to cling to life.”

Six months of chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant. The last procedure took place on 17 December 2003. This date that the singer believes second birthday.

After his illness he continued to study music and found a new business: he started to organize charity concerts and events. Becomes Director of cultural Affairs and sport of the Russian public organization Union of social justice of Russia.

And soon met his wife, Mary. She worked as casting Director on one of the channels and, as it turned out, was a long-time fan of Levkin. In the early ‘ 90s, she and her parents lived in Izhevsk, all girlfriends would lie in wait for “on-On”.

“I have for him no interest, he told Mary in one of the interviews, We came to their concert and everything changed! When I saw the smiling blond Levkin – gone! Back home in complete euphoria and told her mother: “I will only marry Levkin!”
And so it happened: her childhood dream came true – she became the wife Levkin March 3, 2012. Fate sent a couple test – cancer is back. But Vladimir was not going to lose heart – because he was waiting for the birth of his daughter. Despite the pregnancy, Mary spent a lot of time at the cancer center with my husband. And he again managed to overcome the disease.

A couple of years ago the couple moved to his country home.

“In the morning go out on the porch with a Cup of freshly brewed coffee, sit in a comfortable chair and enjoy, – has shared with “StarHit” Levkin. – A few months of communication with the realtor and we chose the site near the Novorizhskoye highway in the West of the capital. Engaged in design, Maroussia, she often consulted with me.”

Last year was jubilee for Levkin – 3 March, Marusia said fifth wedding anniversary, 6 June, he was 50 years old, and in September was five daughter Nika and 35 Marusya.

Pavel Sokolov

Что стало с солистами группы «На-На»: разводы, болезни и громкие романы

Came: 1997

Left the group: 2008

Age: 43 years

Paul joined the group in 1995 and were the first party to the ballet. Then about a year worked in the team of Angelica Varum and returned to “on-On” in 1997 as soloist.

According to rumors, he left it with scandal and even fight. Rumor has it that Bari Karimovich was just livid after learning about the desire of Paul to leave the band, finally they had a fight and parted enemies. According to another version, Sokolov much summed up the group:

“Pasha, you’ve forgotten how treacherous is gone for 16 days before the Olympics in Beijing with his Teacher, which gave you brain “millions” and the hit?” – admitted to one Alibasov.

After leaving the group, according to media reports, Paul Sokolov, was seriously ill, helped him choose the same Larissa, who along with his eldest daughter in shifts were on duty near his bed. Later, the singer admitted: “It’s not such a love, from which blows the doors. We have a real family, we appreciate and love each other, almost never parted. Rest together, lifestyle, home improvement – all done together. My life went on like it was made of two halves. In the first group and work: a priceless experience that cannot be overemphasized, a huge success, club parties, women, alcohol , the first failed attempt to start a family… so Many mistakes and sins to atone for will have the rest of your life… As they say, passed the fire, water and copper pipes. Sure, I learned from their mistakes. In the second half – the family, the realization that there is a chance to start over, and, most importantly, it’s understanding how to survive in the turbulent flow of the Russian show-business, how to be self-sufficient, in demand artist and to represent their creativity. It was important for me to come around to the idea that I must create my own destiny, to get rid of bad habits, to leave behind the idea that everything for you will take care of always thinking producer.”

In late 2008 the singer released the first single “Faithful” has become a frequent guest of radio and teleperedach. A few years later the artist decided to pursue higher education.

“Recently he entered the law, – Sokolov told reporters in 2013, On exams happens every. For example, arrive as a teacher – ten years younger. I just opened my mouth she is already taking the record book: “Thank you, Paul, you do your homework – put “excellent”. I would like you to drive with songs.”

Now he continues to tour, performing at corporate events, leads a program on one of the channels. A few months ago started the Studio work of Pavel Sokolov “the Gully”, where the singer and his team teach dance and vocals. Helping a daughter from his first marriage of 16-year-old Alina Sokolova and her mother Natalia Whiter, choreographer and ballet soloist Irina Allegrova.

Changes have occurred in the personal life of Paul – a year ago, on 14 November he became a father for the second time, the singer’s daughter Sofia, her mother Victoria Smirnov, soloist of the band “Studs”, ballet dancer Soso Pavliashvili. Happy father often puts in instagram photo and video with the little girl and her mom.

Marina Khlebnikova

Что стало с солистами группы «На-На»: разводы, болезни и громкие романы

Came: 1989

Left: 1990

Age: 52 years

In the beginning the group “on-On” were not a boy band – then the soloist of the team was Marina Khlebnikova. Which has already several years of work with Alibasova.

“I arrived in the city of Saratov, it was my first tour, recalled the singer history Dating Bari. – In hotel “Volga” go to your room, and there at the window is broken glass and a broken door. Went down and asked to be moved. I was sent to another, come, and there are someone’s suitcases. I checked, and then the two men and begin to gather my things. Ask them: “would you hurry up! I have tonight’s concert, I’m a singer!”. The evening was made, and after the composer Alexander Moskvin brings me to the man and said, “Marina, meet the head of the group “Integral” Bari Alibasov, look up and see that this is the man I kicked out of rooms”.

Following the presentation, the producer offered Khlebnikov to work together and she agreed. In the spring of 1989, Bari Karimovich has created a “on-On” Marina continued to go on stage in the new group. But it didn’t last long – 1990 Klebnikov began a solo career. She was the best at many international music competitions. And mega-fame came to the Marina in 1997 after performance of the legendary “Cup of coffee”.

Privacy Klebnikov carefully concealed, for example, only after the fact became known that she was married to businessman Mikhail Maidanic. Besides the singer for a long time managed scriptfragment daughter Dominica.

My husband and Marina were separated in the late 2000s. But many years later it was registered in her apartment in a residential area in the South of the capital. For a long time Klebnikov just didn’t see Michael. Lost him and the creditors. “He disappeared with my money, and I have already resigned – admitted “StarHit” in 2014, Iosif Prigozhin, which an enterprising businessman borrowed $500 thousand – I couldn’t find him – and no one will find!”

Some familiar Milanich convinced that he simply changed his name and perhaps appearance, therefore, lives happily ever after.

Что стало с солистами группы «На-На»: разводы, болезни и громкие романы“My mistake was that I brought it into their sphere of activity. – recognized Khlebnikov Andrei Malakhov in the air, “Let them talk”. – He released the album “Cats of my soul”, and I have not received a penny for it. Neither sleep nor spirit did not know about. When I saw then, some individuals and banks he took loans! And then comes the article “Husband Khlebnikova stole Prigogine 500 thousand dollars. I approached him, I’m afraid not a penny of this money did not see!”

Some familiar Milanich believe that he just changed the name and maybe the looks – and lives happily ever after.

“My mistake was that I brought him to their field of work, – admitted Khlebnikov Andrei Malakhov in the air, “Let them talk,” He released the album “Cats of my soul”, and I have not received a penny for it. Neither sleep nor spirit did not know about. When I saw then, some individuals and banks he took loans! And then comes the article “Husband Khlebnikova stole Prigogine 500 thousand dollars. I approached him, I’m afraid not a penny of this money did not see!”

Later Joseph reassured the singer, saying that not holding that against her for the singer and understand – in this situation she’s also a victim of deception.

Wrote that after the divorce, Klebnikov was saved from depression with alcohol. But Marina denied this, saying that he never stopped working all the time and was on his feet.

Now the singer looks also amazing, like 20 years ago. She confesses the secret of her beauty – sleep. Happy mother and daughter Dominique, this year she turned 19 years old. Girl makes her first steps – singing in clubs and restaurants and going to build a career in the banking sector.

Valery Yurin

Что стало с солистами группы «На-На»: разводы, болезни и громкие романы

Came: 1989

Left: 1992

Age: 50 years

Before the advent of Politova, Valeri played the role of a languid macho. There are several versions of why Yurin decided to leave the band: he said he just got tired of the insane amount of concerts but not without conflict and Alibasova.

Yurin in an interview with NTV was told that Bari have him about 90 million rubles, as at the time he received not a penny for the creation of “on-On”. Yurin believes, for pennies to work in a group for a long time. Alibasov answer calling a former colleague a fraud, because he still takes his songs illegally uses the name of the band on posters. Valery really had that right, but only within a year after leaving the group to start a solo career. “Yurina is one problem – greed, which turns him into a piece of shit” explains Bari Karimovich.

First career Valeriy Yurin has evolved successfully: his name remembered the part in “on-On”. In the mid-90s, fans took his albums “my Life is wicked” and “Sweet captive”. In 2007 Yurin debuted in the theater, he played one of the roles in the play Stanislav Sadalsky “a Family Comedy — a love tragedy.” Yurin divorced his wife Angela Sukhanova, she was a dancer “on-On”, now works as a fitness trainer. From this marriage he had a son Anton. Now Valery spends a lot of time abroad, almost always near him beloved singer Natalia stern.

Oleg Korshunov

Что стало с солистами группы «На-На»: разводы, болезни и громкие романы

Came from: 2008

Left: 2014

Age: 30 years

The singer got into the group through connections, his father Yuri Cashew worked as a sound engineer in a rock band Alibasov “Integral”. He advised Oleg to show to the producer of the album, recorded in the years of study at the international faculty of the Tomsk University.

“Went to Moscow to practice in the chamber of Commerce, – told the artist in an interview. – Went to visit the Bari Karimovich, conveyed greetings from his father and showed his musical material. He liked the song “Lisa”, which then turned into “Louise”. I came back to Tomsk. Once you get a text from Vladimir Politov, who asks to call Bari. I called, and he offers to become a soloist.

Oleg agreed, transferred to part-time offices, and within five rehearsing from the “on-On”.

In 2014 the contract ended and kites left the band. He immediately reassured fans that will not go away, I’ll do a private concert. Fans wrote hundreds of messages of support.

“Thank you all. Do the keys in the group “on-On” I was closely. Boring to play always the same 8 years”, – said the artist.

First, kites were engaged in the group “Urban приzраки”, and in March last year was the debut show of his Navigo project STEREOKISS – “vocal-music show with meaning”. Oleg and vocalist Cat Galaxy and a few dancers perform at private parties in Europe. For the performance, rehearsal, run a pilot of the parties left more than a year. Now STEREOKISS touring, working on new songs.

Besides Oleg Korshunov teaching – gives private voice lessons.

Sergey Grigoriev

Came from: 2008

Left: 2015

Age: 29 years

Began to sing in childhood – before school grandma took him to a rural “practice”. At the age of 16 went to conquer Moscow. He studied at the music College, teacher Sergey Svetlana Kononova recommended Bari Alibasova talented student. The producer first approached the guy with skepticism, but after hearing the voice, changed his mind.

In 2015, Grigoriev made the decision to leave “on-On” for a solo career. However, according to rumors, things were not so smooth – Sergey left the band due to conflicts with colleagues.

The singer took the pseudonym Sergei grace and started their own solo project. Now in his touring team of 7 people: the performer, Director, four musicians, a sound engineer. Sometimes rides and a dance group of 4 people. In the everyday rider singer: two tickets for the plane in the “business class” and five tickets in coach for the team. Accommodation in hotel at least 3 ***. Three meals a day restaurant-level menu must be pre-arranged with the Director of the artist.

“Man makes his own fate, – admitted the singer in an interview – Whom I see myself and where I will play in ten years – doesn’t matter. I have a big goal – I said to her, go, small steps, for example, I want to create a theatre of music.”