Что связывает Камбербэтча и Конан-Дойля кроме «Шерлока»?

Blood relationship with one or another famous figure in the culture or historical figure would be many nice. But what if it comes to a famous actor and historical figure at the same time?

Ahead of the new season of “Sherlock”, the journalists decided to heat up the already small interest in this event and find out whether relatives in the role of detective Sherlock Holmes Benedict Cumberbatch and author of the books about him – Arthur Conan Doyle.

As reported by the associated Press, 40-year-old actor and writer, who died in 1930, have other cousins in the 16th lap.

Experts have found that the common ancestor of Conan Doyle and Cumberbatch was John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, who lived in the XIV century.

Recall that in addition to Conan Doyle Cumberbatch also marries Richard III (last king of the Plantagenet dynasty), which he also played in the TV series “Empty crown”.