Владимир Епифанцев откровенно рассказал об интимных пристрастиях The actor talked about personal stuff with Leroy Kudryavtseva. During the filming of the program “million dollar Secret” Epifantsev admitted when I first found out about the rules of sex. Besides, the man explained how he likes to behave in bed.

      Владимир Епифанцев откровенно рассказал об интимных пристрастиях

      Vladimir yepifantsev has become the hero of the new issue of “million dollar Secret”. Actor behaved very bravely during the shooting and discussed with the leading program Leroy Kudryavtseva details of his intimate life. The woman was shocked by these revelations and was very shy while chatting with the movie star.

      According to Epifantsev, from an early age was interested in the topic of sexual relationships, so I read a lot of literature on this topic. As remembered Vladimir, he was even a tutorial on sex.

      As the artist admitted, he actively practiced oral sex with their partners, although some of his friends and comrades thought that it was “not right”. According to Vladimir, he always tries to make the girl got all kinds of fun.

      “Right I love to lick a woman. Completely. I can put her tongue to nose, eyes to lick,” said yepifantsev.

      According to Vladimir, he was confused when communicating with women. Recently, the Network began talking about the fact that the actor is divorcing his wife Anastasiya vedenskaya. However, the actor himself anything specific did not tell. “My wife is a good person. I see no reason to talk about it. Around there are so many interesting things that can attract attention, and not my family relations”, – told “StarHit” Vladimir.

      Earlier, Vedenskaya admitted that she was very difficult to live with a man, which brings her only pain and disappointment. According to the woman, she decided to end it all and dared to leave her husband. Moreover, she noted that Vladimir does not know how to cope with their own emotions.