Vladimir Mashkov became director of Sovremennik News appeared on the Moscow Mayor's portal that Vladimir Mashkov became the director of the Sovremennik Theater.

Vladimir Mashkov became director of Sovremennik The head of the capital's department of culture, Alexey Fursin, said that the new appointments will make it possible to more effectively manage theaters and expand their repertoire.

In addition to the post of artistic director, Konstantin Bogomolov was taken, and Evgeniy Gerasimov was appointed director of the theater of satire.

At the same time, Vladimir Mashkov will combine a new position with the old place of work. He will remain artistic director at the Oleg Tabakov Theater.

His colleagues will also retain their positions, Bogomolov – at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, and Gerasimov – at the Theater on Malaya Ordynka.

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