Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Known in our country and abroad musician, singer and songwriter Vladimir Borisovich Kuzmin, according to Alla Pugacheva, who has performed with him on stage more than two years, had a fascinating, sexy voice. Perhaps that is why he was always surrounded by a crowd of fans. The guitarist was married three times. The first wife of Vladimir Kuzmin — T. B. Artemyev, the poet. Their marriage lasted from 1977 to 1985

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Vladimir Kuzmin

The first wife of Vladimir Kuzmin

To be the wife of multi-instrumentalist, singer and composer, in the opinion of Tatiana B. Artemieva (in the period of marriage, Kuzmina) is not easy! Vladimir Kuzmin (1955) lived in the world of music, so all the other values of life for him was on the fifth or even tenth place. Tatiana Kuzmina was from a Union family and creative. Tatyana Borisovna wrote the poems that formed the basis of 11 of his hits.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Vladimir Kuzmin and Tatiana Artemyeva

In the first marriage that of Kuzmin born: Lisa (1977-2002) — the eldest daughter of the singer; Stepan (1983-2009) — beloved son of Vladimir and Sonya (1985) — the only daughter, who followed in the footsteps of their parents. She participated in the musical show “star Factory-3” and really wanted to became her producer father, but he refused, explaining it by the fact that pop does not like. Today Sonya Kuzmina — a famous singer, is producing her uncle Alexander.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

In the photo: Vladimir Kuzmin with his wife and children

The second wife of Vladimir Kuzmin

In the early nineties, the intransigence of the critics and emerged the singer has a love affair with American fashion model, pushed Vladimir Kuzmin to leave their country and move to California. In 1990, Vladimir married the beautiful Kelly Curzon, in love with his music and songs. Together with the songwriter and the leading soloist in America moved the group “Speaker”. Therefore, the family fortune of the singer was again sidelined.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

In the photo: a Group of “Speaker”

Novel by Vladimir and Kelly was turbulent, but short-lived, so in 1992 Kuzmin officially divorced his wife and returned to Moscow. During these two years, the singer and composer worked extensively in clubs in the United States, where the performance of Blues, rock-n-roll music of Jimmy Hendrix, Eric Clapton and other famous guitarists that made him famous.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

The role of Faith Sotnikovoy in the fate of the singer

Returning Home, Vladimir Kuzmin lived in a civil marriage with Vera Sotnikova — well-known TV presenter and actress. Poet and musician dedicated to her several of his hits, while the artist herself helped to direct new clips Kuzmin. The couple lived in love and harmony for seven years until 2000, but to legalize their romantic relationship is not decided.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Vera Sotnikova

Brilliant Muse inspired singer and composer to such a wonderful song like “Seven seas” (1996), which won the prize “Golden gramophone”. Vera Sotnikova Kuzmin has dedicated his hit “I won’t forget you” (1999), awarded popular award “song of the year”. However, Roman Kuzmin and Sotnikova was suddenly interrupted, and ex-wife, though a civilian, went to another.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Vladimir Kuzmin and Vera Sotnikova

The third wife of Vladimir Kuzmin

Third wife of Vladimir Kuzmin became Ekaterina Trofimova (born. 1982), which was younger than the husband for twenty-seven years. This marriage opened to Kuzmin joy of family happiness. Because the former wife was more cooperative than loved him, and only Catherine in the first place was not a singer, and her beloved husband. However, after seventeen years of married life, their marriage broke up.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Vladimir Kuzmin and Ekaterina Trofimova

By Frank recognition of the assistant to Vladimir, one of the main causes of rupture of these relations is the abuse of alcohol, which the young wife could not stop. Over the past 17 years of marriage, a composer and musician was at the peak of its activity. Vladimir Kuzmin released during this time of 12 music albums from the existing 30, and in 2011 was awarded the honorary title of people’s Artist of the Russian Federation.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Despite the entreaties of his young wife, a musician for the last seven years, he continued to drink. As a result, the IHS CERA did not dare to give birth to a child from drinking husband. She was fascinated by the esoteric, left a long time in India, engaged in spiritual practices. Kuzmin is also connected to some of its programs, for example, stopped eating meat, lost weight, began to look better. However, all friends of the eminent singer was already clear that he divorces his wife.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Why the singer is divorcing his wife?

This year (2018) Vladimir Kuzmin appeared again mistress. Friends and admirers of famous singer and composer, is excited: “Who is this 27-year-old beauty, another fan of talent or predatory blonde who’s looking for a million?” New Muse of Vladimir Kuzmin — Svetlana Karpukhina, tries to conform to the image of the girlfriend of a rock musician.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Vladimir Kuzmin and Svetlana Karpukhina

In media appeared reports that the 63-year-old rocker and his wife divorce for a new passion, which is 10 years younger than his ex-wife. Currently, Svetlana took full control of every step of Vladimir Kuzmin. If pesky journalists approach the master of the Russian platform at least a meter, then immediately get resistance from Svetlana. So for some time to obtain the information from the singer only with the permission of his mistress.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Svetlana Karpukhina, the mistress of Vladimir Kuzmin

Light Karpukhina arrived in the capital of Kaliningrad, where she graduated from the University and decided to learn the profession of “management in music business”, so is now studying at the Moscow business school. Kuzmin girl I met at a music meeting, when I approached him for an autograph.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Vladimir Kuzmin on stage

The blonde was intrigued by the singer’s sentence related to the organization of concerts. Since then, she accompanies him on his tours, and more. In networks of Light posted an intriguing photo with Kuzmin on vacation. Svetlana grew up near the sea, was engaged in sailing. That went with Vladimir to travel on the Volga. They were joined by their daughter musician: Marta (31), Sonya (32).

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Vladimir Kuzmin with her daughter Sonja

The girls got along great. Vladimir Kuzmin was pleased with the rest on the water and gave it to his new passion boat called “Pretty woman.” However, Light, talking about it in the networks tend to call the gift of the singer yacht. In the new album of Vladimir Kuzmin lyrical song “Two in a boat”, according to Svetlana Karpukhin, is dedicated to her.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

Socialite Olga Leibman, considering the young mistress Kuzmin, who posted a video where she and her friends having a fun time, gave not the biased definition of a group of girls in open bikinis: — “It is a disguised prostitution,” she said. Of course you can and to question, however, “goat”, as they called themselves girls really are more like professional hunters than carefree friends.

		Владимир Кузьмин: жена

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