The actor celebrated the 20th anniversary of the creative Duo with Elena Surikova.
Porgina Lyudmila and Nikolai Karachentsov
Photo: photo courtesy of the organizers
Nikolai Karachentsov and Lyudmila Porgina were guests of honor at the presentation of the new album of the composer and poetess Elena Surikova.
In repertoire of the actor to the tragedy that happened to him in February 2005,
there were many songs written by his friend. The most famous of them,
perhaps — “I will not lie”. By the way, this song Olga Kabo was once performed
for Karachentsova from the stage during a concert “Stars came down from heaven!”
Surzhikova said with friends just two dates: the 40th anniversary of his
creative activities and the 20th anniversary of friendship and cooperation with Karachentsovu. By the way,
this evening and Elena, and Nikolay Petrovich was awarded the order “Service
art”, the Moscow peace Fund.
Elena Surzhikova
Photo: photo courtesy of the organizers
Ksenia Georgiadi
Photo: photo courtesy of the organizers
Lyudmila Porgina are unable to hold back emotions and on behalf of her husband
thanked everyone by reading a passage from Shakespeare’s tragedy “hamlet.” And then
Karachentsov Surzhikova, as well as their famous friends, who took part in
the presentation, for a long time signing autographs to his fans.