ВИДЕО: Наргиз до глубины души растрогала Максим Фадеева
The singer arranged for the producer to share memories.

Nargis and Maxim Fadeev

Photo: fadeevmaxim/instagram

It is known that Nargis and Maxim Fadeev are not just
colleagues and closest friends. Fadeev for the first time in twenty years even starred
in the video for the song “Together”. “The video for the song “Together” we shot in the Library named after Lenin. It was very
a strange feeling that I was back in the 90s and filmed “Run across the sky”, — he said. — I
felt so insecure in what you do… it’s hard for Me to pass. I
felt I owed it to those who love me and love then, in those
nineties. I hope you will be interested to hear what we did.”

recently Nargis was on tour in the hometown of Maxim Fadeev Kurgan. She performed
“on the stage of the Kurgan Philharmonic society, where
I started your way, — said the composer. I remember even the smell of boards and curtains. I remember the people who worked
there. I remember the dressing room that has seen many great people, from Shostakovich to
Tariverdiev, from Rostropovich to Schnittke. In short, this is the place I was baptized
my steps further. Nargiz sang there today and then decided to go to the settlement of Power
street and constituyentes Avenue, where I lived from 8 years to 20. She called me and I
why then was so excited that someone had rolled up to her throat! But after she went in
the apartment and… there were the same doors and handles that I screwed myself. And I
a great wish to ask in memory of this door handle from my
room. The owners kindly agreed to give it to me! Thank you Nargis, thanks to the landlord and his family, what good has treated me and gave me this
the door handle that came to the house and were friendly. Thank you! I promise you
to give the handles on all the doors in memory of me! I give you my word!”

Today Nargis has performed in the city of Kurgan. On the stage of the Kurgan Philharmonic society,where I started my career. I even remember the smell of the planks and curtains. I remember people working there. I remember the dressing room which has seen many great people, from Shostakovich to Tariverdiev, from Rostropovich to Schnittke. In one word this place is I was baptized on my steps further. Nargiz sang there today and then decided to go to the village Energetikov street Avenue of the Constitution where I lived from 8 years to 20. She called me and for some reason I was so excited that someone had rolled up to her throat! Then you all will see. But after she went to the apartment and there….had the same doors and handles that I screwed myself. And I had an uncontrollable desire to ask in memory of this the door handle of my room. Me and the hosts kindly agreed to give her away! Thank you Nargis,thanks to the Landlord and his family,what good has treated me and gave me this door knob that came to the house and were friendly. Thank you! I promise to give you handles on all doors to remember me by! I give you my word!. Thank you!??

A video posted by MAXIM FADEEV (@fadeevmaxim) on Oct 10, 2016 at 2:35pm PDT