Видео: Екатерина Андреева покорила океан
The presenter gave fans a tour of the Maldives.

Ekaterina Andreeva gave yourself a luxury holiday in the Maldives. But
the presenter not only relaxing on the white sand and basking under the sun.
Your vacation leading the program “Time” conducts active, doing sports and yoga. For my subscribers
social networks she’s having a real tour of the Islands: Andreeva
even managed to go to the kitchen, where she periodically conducts live coverage
revealing the secrets of the local cuisine. And recently Catherine has published in Network video report about their adventures at the bottom of the Indian ocean.

Ekaterina Andreeva

“Even when on the surface a storm under the water the silence and
calm, — said Ekaterina. — Conclusion: often diving into the depths of his
soul, to subside, to seethe, to boil over nothing. To drift, watch
the beautiful and understand the flow of life so rapidly that the sharks past the
will carry, no one will notice. In our case it was, even the camera
fix did not, and why be afraid of it carried away, so carried away. And fears pull
on the bottom, but we have something upstairs you need to move”.