Виктория Макарская рассказала о чудодейственной силе воды
Singer in awe of the Holy spring, located near Sergiev Posad.

Victoria and Anton Makarsky

Photo: Facebook Victoria Makarska

Victoria Makarska spoke about the miraculous power of water from
sacred source — Gramacho Key under Sergiev Posad.

“It’s absolutely
amazing Holy place! Checked personally — smiling singer. — When we
went there for the first time, many years ago, accompanying our people began to show
and talk about being a meter away from each other the springs flowing from the mountains
“this heart heals”, “here is the liver and stomach”,
“and that infertility”, “the one on the sidelines — mind cure” and
etc… I, of course, initially I was skeptical about these “people
beliefs”, but just in case, and went immediately “to treat the head”
under the appropriate source. A sharp spear of ice stream of the waterfall crashed
me right in the head, causing for a few moments to forget not only the school
knowledge of physics and biology, but also your name and the purpose of the visit. Did not want to leave! Soul
heart and body was filled with unspeakable joy and indescribable Grace,
which curriculum we studied. Soon, the scientists took water tests
from these sources, and the composition of the water when a shooter has a number of keys really was
different and treatment on relevant medical parameters, as is customary
to speak in the people, “From kidney”, “heart”, etc… Sources
these are scored out of a mountain in the 13th century, through the prayers of St. Sergius of Radonezh, for healing
the body and soul!”

Victoria made a detailed manual for those who want
to join the miracle. “The car is better to leave in front of the field and go to sources
walk — shared Makarska. — Organized and nutrition, and zone
rest for pilgrims. Visit the site free! Careful on the steps,
sometimes slippery.”

By the way, Victoria and Anton Makarsky — people of faith, they repeatedly said
in an interview that his two children, Maria and Ivan, they begged the God. “We c Vika
dreamed of children from the first day of our life together, — said Anton. But
confidently say that this is just the two of us begged Masha and Vanya, you can’t. I
I believe that this miracle involved thousands of people around the world who prayed
for us and with us.”

Surprisingly, before the couple learned that, in
the second time become parents, Victoria has performed at the Russian centre of science and
culture in Bethlehem. And it was held in the local library, where rare
The Bethlehem icon of the Mother of God, where the virgin Mary smiling. Considered
prayer before this icon helps women in procreation. Can
to be considered a coincidence, but exactly
nine months after the visit to Bethlehem from Makarska son was born.