Вика Цыганова сообщила о намерении прийти на "Дом-2"
Recently 54-year-old singer Vick Tsyganov made a surprise announcement, surprising their fans.

Вика Цыганова сообщила о намерении прийти на "Дом-2"

The singer admitted that he was going to become a participant of popular TV project “Dom-2”. But she goes there not to look for love, because for many years she was happily married, she wants to help troubled participants and host of the reality show to understand the relationships.

Вика Цыганова сообщила о намерении прийти на "Дом-2"

“Novels with young beauties there to turn I do not plan to. Because her husband do not change. On the contrary, will speak to participants about family values, to talk about Orthodox culture. I want to talk with troubled people who are not like everyone else. See how they live,” said Tsyganova.

Recall that the project was started 14 years ago and is of great interest to the public.

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