Вера Брежнева рассказала, какой продукт мешает добиться идеальной фигуры
Singer Vera Brezhnev revealed the simple secret to losing weight and maintaining the desired shape.

Вера Брежнева рассказала, какой продукт мешает добиться идеальной фигуры

Vera Brezhneva one fell swoop negates many diets, following which many women don’t eat anything. Of course, one only diet (even as simple as the singer) are not enough for efficient weight loss.

Вера Брежнева рассказала, какой продукт мешает добиться идеальной фигуры

Brezhnev regularly trains in the gym.

Вера Брежнева рассказала, какой продукт мешает добиться идеальной фигуры

Dietitians have long found that the main component hindering the process of losing the extra pounds – meat. It strongly loads the digestive system, as raw fiber and does turn into toxins poisoning the entire body. Therefore, the consumption of such a heavy product it is necessary to minimize or even abandon it.

Вера Брежнева рассказала, какой продукт мешает добиться идеальной фигуры

Vera Brezhnev admitted that after review of the diet, to keep yourself in great shape it was much easier.