Вера Брежнева поделилась снимком обеих своих дочерей
Currently, a popular singer Vera Brezhneva with the family is in Italy and is actively sharing colorful photos.

Вера Брежнева поделилась снимком обеих своих дочерей

The other day in the microblog singer appeared in a short video, which depicted two of her daughters, 17-year-old Sonia and 8-year-old Sarah. Faith once signed, it is not, as is often confused with the eldest daughter.

Вера Брежнева поделилась снимком обеих своих дочерей

“I thought it was you little brother”, “So nice to see such relationships”, “What cool”, “Beautiful mom” — write in the comments the users of the Network.

Recall that three years ago the Belief was combined by marriage with composer and producer Konstantin Meladze, but the couple rarely share joint photos.

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