Валерий Гаркалин заговорил об алкогольной зависимости
62-year-old actor explained why he’s addicted to booze.

Valery Garkalin


Valery Garkalin decided to comment on the rumors that he “becomes an inveterate drunkard”. The actor admitted that after his wife died, he really had some problems with drinking, but now this addiction in the past.

Garkalin said that he is very grieved death of wife in 2009. He had been married to Catherine for about 30 years and was not prepared for the fact that she withdraws from life. Actor partly feels guilty because of that too late turned their attention to the health of his beloved wife. “I threw everything at the feet of the profession, without understanding why I did it. And now I understand how it could be a little different if I had realized it. We may be able to find that Katie has cancer. Maybe things would be different…” — shared Garkalin. After his wife’s death Garkalin began to seek solace in a glass with alcohol.

Fortunately, the National artist was able to overcome this dark Chapter in his life and now he is ready to move on. Moreover, he does not exclude the possibility that his life may be another woman. But while Garkalin’t met one that can take the place of his wife. “I understand that I’m a widower. Perhaps in my life will see another woman I can say that I love her…” — said Valery.

Meanwhile, all his love he gives the only grandson, Timothy. After the death of his wife he literally disappeared into it and admits that it was thanks to him finding the strength to move on. “When I say goodbye to him, I say, “goodbye my love, do you love me?” And he says: “More life!” How can I escape from life when there’s a man who loves me more than life itself?” — told Garkalin in the show “You wouldn’t believe!”.