Телеведущий  Леонид Закошанский женился!
Young painted in Krasnogorskiy the registry office.

Телеведущий  Леонид Закошанский женился!

Leonid and Jeanne

Leonid Zakoshansky struck fans
unexpected news about his marriage. About beloved TV host knows nothing, except for the name Zhanna Lebedeva. The wedding ceremony took place at the registry office of the city of Krasnogorsk.

That’s going to get married, host of “Talk show” on NTV reported, putting the in
network picture on the background of a wedding car. However, fans do not
believe neither my eyes nor words Zakoshansky. Decided that Leonid is walking on someone else’s
wedding. And only when Zakoshansky put a picture with the bride, signing it with “I
not kidding”, the readers of his page in Instagram
began to congratulate the newlyweds.

The couple

One of the friends of the bride and groom congratulated the newlyweds: “all right! The husband and wife! Happy birthday Family. How happy I am for you! Yay!
So beautiful and happy! Went to celebrate”.

“Congratulations, I wish you happiness and love everlasting!”; “Khabarovsk
congratulates You with the education of Your family. Wish you happiness and love, mutual respect and understanding”; “Congratulations, Leonid!!! Happiness to you and family
prosperity!”; “Hurray!!! Congratulations! Jeanne is beautiful! Be happy!”; “Congratulations!
Well, everything is now the hearts of many girls will be defeated! Happiness to you,” write
Leonid fans.