Тутта Ларсен: «Я сознательно рожала без анестезии»
The presenter discussed with the experts of the epidural.

Tutta Larsen

In the new edition of the program on the video channel TUTTA.TV tutta Larsen discussed
with specialists from which to choose: natural childbirth or anesthesia and is it true that modern anesthesia has no effect on
babies? Itself tutta gave birth to three children
and each time refused anesthesia.
“Today, many women can not imagine childbirth without anesthesia, but I personally
knowingly gave birth naturally, without any interventions, — said the presenter. — To be honest,
that was painful and difficult, but
their birth I am very pleased. Prepare for natural childbirth helped me
courses for pregnant women and a wonderful psychologist,
who taught me how to relax during childbirth. Deep breathing
and relaxation helped me make
pain to facilitate them to cope with difficulties”.

Some doctors read
that childbirth without anesthesia — it’s yesterday. Intravenous anesthesia in childbirth less popular
so how the effect on the baby, but the epidural the doctor recommends no
to refuse. Moreover, there are a number of medical factors, which are genera
without anesthesia generally is contraindicated. Helps anesthesia and those women
that panic fear of childbirth or pain in childbirth. Other obstetrician — gynecologists suggest women
who are ready to give birth without anesthesia natural birth. Literally translated the word anesthesia,
it means the deprivation of the senses, and with anesthesia, the woman simply loses
possible to experience feeling your baby’s birth. Do not be afraid of the first painful contractions,
because with the development of generic
activities painful experiences becomes smaller because of the release of natural
painkillers hormones. And the
the important thing is that in childbirth with anesthesia to a child is harder to see the light. If the body
mom does not produce natural painkilling hormones, the baby is facing
serious pain.

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