Тутта Ларсен узнала об измене мужа и потеряла ребенка An unborn baby was diagnosed with a serious disease. The doctors decided to terminate the pregnancy in the later period. At the same time the Tutta Larsen became known that her first husband was another woman.
Тутта Ларсен узнала об измене мужа и потеряла ребенка

Now TV and radio presenter tutta Larsen has three children – Luke, Martha and Ivan. However, few people know that originally, the doctors assured that she will not be able to give birth. Contrary to forecasts of doctors, the journalist is still pregnant. This good news will not change her life, she continued to work, however, she had to give up alcohol and cigarettes. Some time later, tutta learned about the frailty of the baby.

“There was incompatible with life heart defect. I went to good expensive private clinics, I watched the lights of diagnostics, and at some point they started to behave strangely – began to call me for an ultrasound twice a week and collect some councils around me. Among themselves, whispering, and nobody’s telling me anything. I tensed, thinking: “I don’t like it all,” said Larsen.

The experts came to the conclusion that it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy, despite the significant period of time. The doctors wondered why nobody noticed the problem before. Now tutta understands what can make, to give birth to the baby and only then to bury him. However, due to problems with her first husband, guitarist Maxim Galstyana, she had to do otherwise.

“He had another woman, who lived practically on my bed. I came home with an UZI and shot up her hair with her pillow. This fact of his infidelity have eclipsed all thoughts about what is happening with the child. At some point, the child moved into the background, and I was so obsessed with the infidelity of her husband, I lived in this hell, from this, that he did not understand that losing a child,” admitted Larsen.

However, at the time the journalist was important to survive the surgery for termination of pregnancy for medical reasons. According to her, the procedure lasted four hours, was very painful and brought with it a complication.

“I in turn begin to deny all the vital organs: acute pyelonephritis, acute endometritis, acute reactive arthritis, the joints are swollen. It all hurts, a temperature of 40 every day, chills, I don’t eat, I barely drink, plus lactation, which inhibit parlodelum, absolutely inadequate psyche, and, in addition to antibiotics and Tralala, I Phenazepamum, Relanium, on the Dimedrol” – said the tutta.

During rehabilitation husband came only once. Despite the fact that they lived together for eight years, this situation has put their relationship point. “One time my mother asked my ex-husband to get lemons. He came, brought the lemons he took from her forty rubles for them and left. It was the only time he showed up,” recalled Larsen.

TV presenter admits that she was difficult to relive the tragedy that occurred in her life. She was able to find solace in faith. In spite of the terrible situation, tutta admitted in an interview to “Orthodoxy and the world”, even saw some positive aspects of the incident.

“I’m so grateful that I lost the baby in childbirth, but not in 4 years and not 16 years is such a blessing that I didn’t even see his face, had not had sufficient time to live, not managed to find out that my apartment was filled with his things and smells! It is an incredible relief to think about it! I know women who have survived far more serious losses, which they don’t know how. So I don’t have strength,” said Larsen.