Том Круз все же приехал на похороны брошенной им матери
Seriously ill Mary Lee longed for son.

Том Круз все же приехал на похороны брошенной им матери

Tom Cruise


Tom cruise has arrived in Florida to take part in the mourning ceremony
on the death of his mother Mary Lee, although he didn’t visit her for a few
years. All this time the long history of Mary Lee waiting for the same famous son
you will find the time to visit her… This information was reported by radaronline.som.

Tom came to the town of Clearwater in
Florida is not alone, but together with her sisters – Lee Anne, Cass and Marianne. All
they took part in the burial, conducted according to the rites of Scientology,a religion
that Mary Lee took after his son. The last few years seriously ill Mary Lee, which is moving only in a wheelchair, lived
when you nearby the centre of Scientology, because he could not do
without assistance. Here she had occasionally been guests in
including her grandson, Connor, his adopted son Tom. Last year he arranged for Mary
Lee, who was already quite weak, a boat tour, rent for this yacht. But the cruise in Clearwater
appeared for a long time. However, wonder that, apparently, is not necessary, because it is already more than three years, can not find time and to visit with his daughter Suri…

Friends of the mother of Cruz all this time I could not understand how Tom could be so
grow indifferent to it Mary Lee. Because her life was not easy, but
for the sake of her son she was ready for any sacrifice. Not less did for him, and stepfather John South. At the time when Tom still
only conceived to become an actor, he asked the mother and stepfather of 10 years to
to prove to them that he does have talent. “And John gave it their
blessing!” — told a few years ago, Mary Lee. It was not only about verbal
farewell and good luck, but also about providing material support —
while Tom will not succeed. John and Mary have honestly fulfilled his promise.
And Cruz did not even come to the funeral of his stepfather, who passed away in 2015…

Tom cruise’s mother