Ксения Алферова показала дочери зимнее чудо
Ten year old daughter Eudocia’ve never seen.

Ксения Алферова показала дочери зимнее чудо

Ksenia Alferova

Ksenia Alferova has shared with fans joyful
news. The actress finally able to show my daughter Eudoxia now
winter miracle: a ten-year girl never in my life seen
frosty patterns on the glass. All because of a very warm winter, which reigned
in the capital region for the past twelve years.

“My childhood was a kind of magic magic on the Windows! —
signed photograph of the actress in the microblog. — When I read my daughter books
and there are two or something about the patterns on the Windows, had to tell
to explain… And this winter she personally saw this miracle and could not put it down! “Mom,
— said daughter. — Look how beautiful: the trees are fabulous, and here
castle and flowers here unseen!” Delight was complete!”

By the way, in an interview with the magazine “Caravan of Stories” actress
admitted that would leave the profession if in front of her suddenly stood a choice: family
or acting.

“For eight years we with Egor, I realized that my main purpose in
this life to be a mom and wife, and the profession is self-expression, —
shared Xenia.

Photo: Instagram