Их роман начался в Японии: история любви Марии Максаковой и Дениса Вороненкова “StarHit” remembered the bright moments of family life former deputies of the state Duma. Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov has repeatedly said in various interviews that they are very sensitive to each other. Today a man was shot in Kiev, where the couple recently moved.

      Их роман начался в Японии: история любви Марии Максаковой и Дениса Вороненкова

      Today, near the hotel “Premier-Palace” in the center of Kiev, was shot by a former Deputy of the State Duma Denis Voronenkov. In a moment the life of Opera singer Maria Maksakova turned out, she was left alone with a small son in her arms. Husband of Maria Maksakova shot in Kiev. PHOTO

      Shortly before the tragedy, the media also discussed the possible pregnancy of the actress. This information is supposedly reported in the immediate environment of an Opera diva, but she did not comment on these rumors. Maria Maksakova arrived and fainted. PHOTO. VIDEO

      “StarHit” remembered the love story of Opera diva Maria Maksakova and political activist Denis Boronenkov, whose names recently appeared frequently in the media.

      Их роман начался в Японии: история любви Марии Максаковой и Дениса Вороненкова

      Fate has brought the future spouses in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Maria Maksakova was a Deputy from the political party “United Russia”, and Denis Voronenkov was “Communist”. Despite the fact that they met at the meetings, the future spouses looked at each other only as colleagues. Later Maksakova has admitted that friends have repeatedly hinted to the man that he and Maria would make a fine couple.

      The passion between an Opera singer and political activist sparked during a trip to Japan. Denis later recalled that it was love at first sight. The pair were very comfortable together. Soon the lovers realized that were made for each other.

      “We were supposed to meet probably 20 years ago. And really we were always there. We worked in the state Duma met in Japan, but I think for us it was love at first sight,” said Dennis in an interview with TV channel “TV Center”.
      Их роман начался в Японии: история любви Марии Максаковой и Дениса Вороненкова

      Lovers had to sacrifice a lot in order to be together. The fact that the man at the time was married. But the love of Maksakova was stronger than family bonds in spite of that, the man got divorced to be with an Opera singer.

      Maria admitted that did not aspire to marriage. She felt quite comfortable without relying on man’s shoulder – she brought up two children, Ilya and Lyudmila, which gave birth to civil marriage. However, meeting with a Voronenkova has completely changed her views on marriage.

      Opera singer praised the bold move of the elect, who dared to change their lives because of love for her. Maria admitted that after his divorce considered itself obliged to make him happy. Boronenkov was not embarrassed that he will have to participate in the education of children sweetheart.

      Их роман начался в Японии: история любви Марии Максаковой и Дениса Вороненкова

      Wedding couple played by 27 March 2015. The wedding was attended by numerous celebrities, colleagues and friends of the couple. According to Denis, at a magnificent ceremony was insistent Maksakova. For her it was a special day – she thought that getting married only once, and therefore wanted it to be perfect.

      Их роман начался в Японии: история любви Марии Максаковой и Дениса Вороненкова

      After marrying Maria Maksakova and Boronenkov seriously thinking about children. Mary at that time was 37 years, but she yearned to give birth to a beloved wife, child. At the end of April 2015, the singer admitted that will soon become a mother. She was expecting twins. But fate decreed otherwise. Due to criminal prosecution and accusations of her husband in the fraud, the Opera diva was very worried. This could not but affect the health of the artist – had a miscarriage.

      Их роман начался в Японии: история любви Марии Максаковой и Дениса Вороненкова

      However, Mary and Dennis did not despair. A year later fate gave Maksakova another chance in April 2016, she became the mother of a charming baby. The couple were overjoyed and could not be happier about son. Immediately after birth, the Opera singer decided on the name. The boy was named Ivan.

      “I thank God that he gave me the opportunity once again to become a mother, and the more I do not have”, − told Maria in an interview with “StarHit”.
      Их роман начался в Японии: история любви Марии Максаковой и Дениса Вороненкова

      After the child Denis and Maria become even more United. Their relationship was gripped by a real harmony. Spouses do not hide the fact that they really care about each other and grateful to case for this meeting. Boronenkov admired my wife and has repeatedly told reporters how much he appreciated Maksakova.

      “What captivated me Mary in the beginning of the relationship – it is thin, kind, not vindictive, emotional people. She’s the best wife in the world. I always feel that the person loves you. She – my inner motivator and nuclear batteries”, – said Dennis in an interview.

      Maria, in turn, experienced similar feelings. She was glad that he had met a kindred spirit – a man who understands and appreciates. With him she felt absolutely happy. Maria spared only that have not met Dennis before. Maksakova after a time realized that throughout my life looking for in men the qualities that are found in Boronenkov.

      “That’s my first love. Conscious and unconditional, which I don’t want to change”, said Maria.
      Их роман начался в Японии: история любви Марии Максаковой и Дениса Вороненкова

      Opera diva was ready to make any sacrifice for her beloved spouse. Not so long ago the man made the decision to move to Kiev. Maksakova unconditionally followed by Voronenkova to support her husband. She left two children in Russia, and little Vanya took to Ukraine. Then on spouses barrage of criticism from the public. Maria Maksakova is suffering due to separation from children

      “I left because I have a child who is eleven months, which I really need. When I left, I didn’t know what will be waiting for me upon arrival… unfortunately, I can not come to Moscow and can’t see mom, dad and two beloved children… to Leave – it was the choice of Dennis, because he is half Ukrainian. When husband and wife become told, one flesh, we should not think about other people and their actions. For its part, we must behave in a way that pleases the Lord God. That’s marriage…” – explained the situation the artist in the program “live”.
      Их роман начался в Японии: история любви Марии Максаковой и Дениса Вороненкова

      In mid-February it became known that Boronenkov declared wanted on charges of raider attacks.

      Now this is a murder investigation, and there are different versions of the causes of the massacre of men in the capital of Ukraine. Close to the family of the actress producer Valery Sergeev has put forward a rather bold assumption, where he mentioned the former darling of the singer Vladimir Turina. According to him, the man could not communicate with the heirs. There was information that Tyurin wanted Maria back into the country and cared for the children – eight-year-old Ludmila and 12-year-old Elijah. However, the artist herself at every opportunity talked about the fact that he remained in friendly relations with the former civil husband – he freely communicated with heirs. According to some reports, Tyurin took the boy from the Suvorov military school after moving Maksakova in Kiev.