Победительница «Голоса» Александра Воробьева шокировала сменой образа The singer said goodbye with a feminine blond curls and gave preference to a more young and informal style. More recently, Alexander Vorobyov flaunts with pink hair. Not all fans of the actress responded positively to her experiments with style.

      Many people remember delicate and feminine contestant of the third season of “the Voice” Alexander Vorobyov. A video in which a girl sings the song Chandelier Australian singer These scored over 13 million views on YouTube. From the moment Alexandra won the popular project, it took more than two years. Currently, the 27-year-old Vorobyov continues to conquer the music industry. The star of the show regularly gives concerts, delighting fans with their creativity.

      Some time ago Alexander decided to move that surprised her fans. The singer said goodbye with blond curls and made his way over youth. Now Vorobyov is the owner of pink hair. In addition, the artist began increasingly to appear in clothes of sports style. Judging by the photos of the singer in Instagram, she likes baggy t-shirts and hoodies, rough boots and “torn” jeans.

      Some fans Alexandra still can’t get used to the fact that she decided to radically change its image. “I don’t like”, “hair Color is horrible, sorry. I understand that when teenagers dye their hair in pink, but really it was impossible to choose another shade in your age”, “Why did you do that?”, “Bring back the blond,” they write in the comments to photos of the singer.

      At the same time, other fans Vorobyeva, on the contrary, delighted with her new image. “Great,” “Gorgeous,” “that’s the color!” “I admire people who are not afraid to experiment. You are very beautiful and talented! I love to listen to your voice”, “You”, “Delight”, “you Look wonderful”, “Cool”, “Pretty”, “Stylish”, discuss social media users.

      Note also that Alexander Vorobyov began active preparations for the summer. In his microblog artist regularly consults with the fans and share with them the events of life. The singer does not hide that intends to get in shape by June. In this regard, Vorobyov has been practicing hard in the gym, performing exercises with heavy weights. Despite such heroic efforts, Vorobiev sometimes pulls on junk food. “No matter how paradoxical, but I was thinking about “the big Tasty” – shared the singer recently accompanied his post with the hashtag “drying”.