Вдова Мстислава Запашного возмущена беспределом соседей People’s artist of Russia in conflict with businesswoman Yana Shevchenko. The businesswoman believes that Irina illegally privatized a few square meters, which allegedly belong to her. Itself covered with a wrapped charges in his address denies. The woman believes that Shevchenko is her revenge.

      Вдова Мстислава Запашного возмущена беспределом соседей

      From the beginning of spring people’s artist of Russia Irina covered with a wrapped in conflict with his neighbour, businesswoman Yana Shevchenko. She punched in the wall of the woman’s hole and demanded her to give up a few square meters or to pay the amount of ten million rubles. “I’m terrified. It is arbitrariness”, – says Irina. It also does not hide that he was afraid for his life. Of the war, in which she was involved, told covered with a wrapped in the program of NTV “Talk show”.

      “They have put the door on, I have no keys. Naturally, they can at any time log in to my apartment. I can’t sleep at night and if you hear thumping in the house, then go to see what is happening there,” – said covered with a wrapped.

      The woman told that the police were called. Law enforcement officers recorded the incident and opened a criminal case.

      “It’s terrible that it is simply impossible to describe. I broke the tile, broke expensive furniture. Started flying dust. And I’m allergic, and I can’t breathe so can’t go to the kitchen, when the work is going. Several times I called for an ambulance. I can’t cook, iron, wash, sleep,” – says Irina.
      Вдова Мстислава Запашного возмущена беспределом соседей

      Irina believes that a neighbor may be revenge for personal grievances. Once Irina was a colleague of Mstislava zapashnogo. “He was CEO, and Jan worked in the “Rosgostsirka”. There were courts, a large trial,” says the woman. According to Zapashny, she even received threats from the lawyer of businesswoman. Irina Nikolaeva also said that Yana is suing her in 2014, but active actions began after the death of Mstislav Mikhailovich. With the documents assures the widow of the famous trainer, she’s all right.

      Then the Studio came Ruslan Chimaev, a close friend of Irina and Mstislav Zapashny. He was also a colleague Yana Shevchenko. Man admits that he was surprised by the behavior of entrepreneurs. It seems that Shevchenko began the war with Zapadnymi after the star of the circus started to have problems with health. According to a friend of the trainer, before Mstislav Mikhailovich was in a good relationship with Jana. Businesswoman she proposed to expand their apartment when he learned about the desire of the trainer to make alterations and acquire your personal account. Timaev said it was a gift to Shevchenko.

      Вдова Мстислава Запашного возмущена беспределом соседей

      A close friend of Yana Shevchenko, a businesswoman Larissa Kopenkina, stood up for his friend. “There is a dispute on the documents. Because the meters, which are lacking are in the other apartment. Yana daughter got married, she had a grandson. Because Jan decided to settle,” said the woman.

      Yana Shevchenko came to the Studio to talk with the widow of Mstislava zapashnogo. Instead, the woman gave an interview to the correspondents of the TV channel. By the way, in addition to a luxury 300-meter apartment on the Dmitrov highway, a businesswoman is also the owner of a spacious mansion with a pool, a home cinema and even a nightclub.

      “We had some agreement that I had to transfer the living space. But they were not implemented. I was very hard pressed for work, blackmailed, I suffered a lot of trouble. I was the Director of the circus, I took it because I didn’t want to give free these meters. That is the question now: “Irina, please show me a document that indicates the transfer of these square meters.” They have no contract of sale or act of donation, nothing,” – said Shevchenko.
      Вдова Мстислава Запашного возмущена беспределом соседей

      Businesswoman stated that it has already made a plan of action. First, she will take back the donated housing. “To the man realized that someone else can not take,” said the woman. Then Shevchenko will put Zapashny a utility bill. Yana says that she paid for water and electricity in the kitchen neighbors for ten years. According to Shevchenko, specially those connected wires. “We submitted her documents to the Prosecutor and want her to complete the program was responsible for the fraud. While he was alive, Mstislav Mikhailovich, I couldn’t allow that, because he was sick. But he was gone, and I want everything to be fair and square,” said Ian.

      Irina has denied accusations of a neighbor. She told that has no information about the details of the agreement between the husband and Yana Shevchenko. In turn, friend of the family Zapashny stated that her close friends had pre-arranged everything with entrepreneur. “The apartment is implemented according to the plan agreed with Jana. There’s her signature,” the woman reported. The same information was confirmed by the lawyer Irina Nikolaevna. The situation he described as “paradoxical”.

      “These controversial away to date belong to the Irina Zapashny. In relation to my client committed a criminal offense. In addition, violated her civil rights. We prepare the statement of claim about compensation of moral and material damage,” said the man.
      Вдова Мстислава Запашного возмущена беспределом соседей