Свадьба Мерайи Кери и Джеймса Пэкера обойдётся им в 100 миллионов долларов

Maria Carey and her fiancé James packer this summer should become husband and wife. No one doubts that the wedding will be elegant, even despite the fact that the guest list is not more than fifty people. The singer and businessman willing to throw away any money that the celebration is remembered by all for years to come.

Свадьба Мерайи Кери и Джеймса Пэкера обойдётся им в 100 миллионов долларов
The insider told that the ceremony should take place in June on the island of Barbuda in the Caribbean, but when exactly the wedding will be held till nobody knows. No matter how difficult, the bride and groom have minimized the guest list, leaving only the most close and native. According to sources, the cost of “wedding 2016” already exceed $ 100 million.

Maria and James chose this island for good reason: it is here that the packer together with his longtime friend Robert De Niro is building a luxury resort worth $ 250 million. Guests bride and groom arrive to the wedding on private jets, rented by the groom of the singer.
“Private jets, security, couture, private chefs … And their price is much higher because they are in such a hurry with the wedding. Even the flowers at the wedding – and they will be special. Maria wished to see in your bouquet special variety of flowers – tulips, which brought in the seventeenth century and the Shenzhen Nongke Orchid, which costs 200 thousand dollars. They also plan to release into the sky white doves and butterflies king immediately after say each other “Yes!” at the altar” — said the insider.
Such costs seem monstrous injustice in the context of news that the sister of the singer is dying from a deadly disease. Recall that the brother of Carey Morgan a few days ago said in an interview that his vociferous and famous sister refuses to help a relative with money for the treatment.
But a source close to Carey, claims that Morgan intends dunks the reputation of Carey in the dirt, and that information emanating from his mouth is false.
“Maria loves every member of his family. Her heart is as big as her voice is outstanding. It is not going to justify myself and prove my love to the family. She just cares about kids Ellison ever since, like that have any health problems. Maria always sees to it that they didn’t need the money” — said the source. Carey officially has not commented on scandal with relative.

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