Звезду «Уральских пельменей» ограбили на отдыхе
The artist stole an expensive phone, bag and money.

Ilana St. George with her husband Dmitry and daughter Diana

Photo: Press service of Ilana St George

The star of the show “Ural
dumplings” Ilana Yuryeva together with her husband Dmitry and daughter Diana flew to
Cyprus, which decided to spend your long-awaited vacation. But short-lived TV star
happy the sea and the sun. The rest of her was overshadowed by a nasty accident — Ilana and her husband were killed by criminals. The couple stole mobile phones, a bag with clothes and money. And it
the incident almost repeated the script, which the spouses occurred in
Los Angeles. There is also St. George became a victim of robbers.

“Dima wasn’t there, I turned away from things just for a couple
seconds to pick up Diana — shared with 7days.ru Ilana. And my
once again stole an iPhone. Apparently it is a tradition. Someone in a different
parts of the world leaves a coin, and I each a new journey — over the phone.
Only this time they brought the children’s bag and kid stuff,
food, money and phone husband.”

Of course, the couple turned to local
the police, where he wrote a statement about the incident. However,
despite the unpleasant event Ilana husband and I decided not to attach importance
the sad events.

“Unpleasant, of course, but it’s all the little things in life — sure
Ilana, I guess it’s time to stop living by the principle: “I do not take someone else’s, and I don’t
take”, and to be as careful. While I have no connection, but it’s good. Finally
will be able to dissolve completely in the family and enjoy the rest.”

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