Звезда «Уральских пельменей» попала в шторм
Ilana St. George wants to swim to new York.

Звезда «Уральских пельменей» попала в шторм

Ilana St. George with my daughter

Photo: Press service

Звезда «Уральских пельменей» попала в шторм

Ilana St. George with her husband and daughter

In early January, the participant of the show
“Ural dumplings” Ilana St. George with her husband and daughter Diana, not yet two
years, went on a cruise on a luxury ship. After a couple of days the way they should
was planted on the island Cococay. But this did not happen: due to strong waves
the ship was unable to dock, and left in the ocean.

Звезда «Уральских пельменей» попала в шторм

Ilana St. George

Photo: Press service

“For people who are unable
to “go” to the island Cococay because of strong waves and full
hang out in the ocean — you look too happy”, — signed photo
social network Ilana.

In swimming, they went from
Miami, where we celebrated the new year. It was the first experience of a holiday without
snow. Instead of Olivier — shrimp aspic replaced crabs. But the owner
perfect settings and shapes not tormented yourself diets on a long-awaited vacation,
Ilana didn’t just allow himself the weakness in the form of huge juicy American
burgers, she was not afraid to admit it to his fans.

Ilana St. George with her husband and daughter

Photo: Press service

“Seal” the rest, as it was nicknamed
Ilana herself, lasted 20 days. After nearly a month on the Royal Caribbean ship they
went to the Bahamas. The plans of the actress to finish the rest in new York, where Ilana St. George will finally realize his dream: to attend this
A Broadway musical. Some time ago, artist and she served in a
Metropolitan theaters, playing in musicals, so she understands the genre