Звезда «Штрафника» Иева Андреевайте пострадала на съемках
The actress needed a week to recover.

Ieva Andreeviche

Photo: photo from personal archive

Ieva Andreeviche told what sport considers ideal for herself.

“Since the childhood was engaged in dances — both classical and modern, — says the actress. — Went to basketball and tennis, tried yoga. Now was fond of horse riding and the ancient Oriental martial art — Nhat-Nam. But most of all love to swim. When my parents sent me to the section to correct the posture. Since people think that swimming is just the ideal fitness.”

The actress admitted that in life almost never use cosmetics. “Just put a little mascara and lip balm. Cream selected not by price, but how you perceive skin. I have problem: thin, dry and allergic, react to stress, lack of sleep, dust on the set… So in my free time, rush to the beautician for a facial massage and moisturizing mask. Serious procedures have not yet tried. Although recently the question “What do I do about the incipient wrinkles?” the beautician said, “Botox!” But I am against: the actress with no facial expressions do not.”

The actress is now busy in many projects. During one recent filming, she suffered. “I recently had to rescue my hair, told Ieva For the role I painted, and it is always dry hair. Make-up artists gave me a set for professional care, and every day I used the oil to hair ends and leave-in conditioner, and all that was in the set… fortunately, after a week everything returned to normal”.

About the rest of the beauty secrets of the actress read here>>